Second Law, My Ass: Difference between revisions

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'''Bender''': I've never made anyone's life easier, and you know it! |''[[Futurama]]'', "Fear of a Bot Planet"}}
[["Three Laws "-Compliant|Asimov's Second Law of Robotics]] states: "''A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law [which prohibits them from harming humans via action or inaction].''" This trope is when a robot decides he is no longer required to take orders from the stupid, squishy, inefficient, ugly, foolish, arrogant, dim-witted, slow, weak, carbon-based humans just because "they made him."
A common trope in [[Science Fiction|Sci-fi]] comedies, this is a robot that is the exact opposite of the typical [[Robot Buddy|helpful machine teammate]]. Crude, rude and possibly alcoholic, the Bad Robot exists for the audacity of the situation. The opposite of [["Three Laws "-Compliant]]. Usually will be the [[Token Evil Teammate]]. Bad robots that can be turned good when the plot demands it have a [[Morality Dial]].
Compare with [[AI Is a Crapshoot]], [[Crush! Kill! Destroy!]], [[Killer Robot]] and [[Robotic Psychopath]]. See also [[Sex Bot]].
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* Zeke from ''[[Ctrl+Alt+Del]]''. {{spoiler|He left when he couldn't back it up}}.
* The Fruit Fucker, an appliance gone wrong from ''[[Penny Arcade]]''.
** For that matter we have Div, the crude bigoted alcoholic media player that exists mainly to verbally abuse his owners. (Based on the long-dead [[wikipedia:DIVX chr(28)Digital Video Expresschr(29Express)|DIVX]] video format that involved a player that would refuse to replay disks after they had been watched, forcing you to buy them again)
*** Or to put it another way, he's based on a machine that was [[Truth in Television|designed from the ground up with this trope in mind]].
** Only Tycho and Gabe's spouses dislike the Fruit Fucker. Gabe and Tycho have no qualms drinking the juice it makes. It even saves their lives when they are trapped in a zombie infested mall...[[Squick|by "juicing" the zombies.]]