Secret Warriors: Difference between revisions

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* [[Body Double]] and [[Robot Me]]: When JT and Alex discover Nick's Life Model Decoys, leading to some...[[Screw Yourself|implications]]
* [[Call to Adventure]]: Function performed by either Daisy or Fury.
* [[Came Back Wrong]]: {{spoiler|Viper}} likely [[Cursed Withwith Awesome]] despite being dead for only a few hours.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: Baron von Strucker and Nick Fury.
* [[The Chosen Many]]: Daisy's sqaud isn't the only one working for Fury. Since this is [[Properly Paranoid|NickFury]] we're talking about, we only meet the leaders of the other two squads.
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* [[Handicapped Badass]]: Gorgon. Although this is probably a [[Power Limiter]]
* [[The Lancer]]: Daisy "Quake" Johnson.
* [[Legacy Character]]: All the caterpillars are the children of villains or former villains. Daisy is the daughter [[Complete Monster]] Dr Hyde, Yo-Yo is the daughter of the Griffen, Stonewall is the son of {{spoiler|Absorbing Man}}, Phobos is the son of Ares, Druid is the son of Dr Druid. The ones that aren't related directly are connected to other characters, J.T to [[Ghost Rider (Comic Book)|Ghost Rider]], Eden Fesi to the mutant Gateway.
* [[Locked Out of the Loop]]: Nick towards Daisy and presumably everyone else.
* [[Living Lie Detector]]: the Howling Commandos and HYDRA employ psychics
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* [[Physical God]]: The adolescent son of Ares, Phobos.
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]: Eden Fesi, J.T and Druid each fill this role.
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]: JT Slade aka Hellfire.
* [[Private Military Contractors]]: Dugan's 3000 strong Howling Commandos outfit, before Nick brought them back into the fold.
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: Sebastian is kicked off the team by Nick for incompetence.
* [[Redshirt Army]]: HYDRA
** {{spoiler|Dugan's Howling Commandos are eventually completely wiped out}}
* [[Reincarnation]]: Alex and Ares, because a mortal lifetime is not long enough to raise a god.
* [[Repetitive Name]]: J.T.'s full name is James Taylor James.
* [[Sealed Army in Aa Can]]: {{spoiler|The reason why (all) 100,000 members of Leviathan disappeared overnight}}
* [[Sealed Orders]]: Daisy's team disperses this way in issue 13.
* [[Self-Destruct Mechanism]]: used when Dark Avengers get inside a Fury base.