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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* [[Shazam|Captain Marvel]]: [[Kingdom Come|"I'm not a man ... I'm not a god ... but you, Billy: you're both."]]
* Jesse Custer in [[Garth Ennis]]' ''[[Preacher (Comic Book)]]'' series, who is [[Blessed with Suck]] by literally having the "Word of God." (No relation to the [[Word of God|trope of the same name]].)
* ''[[The Spectre]]'' qualifies, as he's a dead human who is the host of (the [[Our Angels Are Different|angel]] that represents) God's Wrath/Vengeance.
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* Vishous from ''[[Black Dagger Brotherhood]]'' is another example; he is the son of the Scribe Virgin, the deity vampires pray to in his universe. He also has a twin sister named Payne....
* In the ''[[Percy Jackson and The Olympians|Percy Jackson]]'' book series, most of the main characters (at least the children) are demigods, born of a god and a human.
** And the sequel to the series, ''[[The Heroes of Olympus]]'', does the same. Most of the main characters are the children on the Roman gods now, however.
* The Delphaes in the ''[[The Elenium|The Shining Ones]]'' started as humans but now are slowly evolving into gods. As a result, they possess awesome powers, but they can also melt alive anyone who gets too close to them. {{spoiler|Eventually, they fully evolve into gods and leave the earth forever.}}
* In the ''[[Inheritance Trilogy]]'', demons are the descendants of both god and mortal, and include {{spoiler|Oree, the protagonist of the second book. Since demons are themselves mortal, but also partake of godhood, their blood is the only thing that can kill the genuinely-immortal gods.}}
* [[Evil Overlord|The Lord Ruler]] of ''[[Mistborn]]'' presents himself as a [[Physical God]] {{spoiler|but is actually a human who briefly held a portion of the power of the god Preservation a millenium ago. Though he no longer possesses that power directly, while holding it he gained enough divine insight to make him scarily good at all three of the trilogy's forms of [[Functional Magic]], rendering him immortal and virtually invincible}}. [[Word of God]] calls people like this from across the overall cosmology of Sanderson's works "Slivers".
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
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** Aeneas's mother was [[Love Goddess|Aphrodite]]. Dude founded Rome.
** There were whole races that were thought to be somewhere between the Olympians and mortals in terms of divinity, such as the nymphs.
* [[Jesus|Jesus Christ]], although in some denominations, he is [[Mind Screw|both]] 100% divine ''and'' 100% human.
** The [[The Bible|Nephilim]] of Judeo-Christian mythology are thought to be the children of [[Our Angels Are Different|angels]].
* [[King Arthur|Merlin]] is thought to be the child of a demon and mortal, although in the original myths he was depicted as something of a fey spirit, so half-fairy was more likely.
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** It's worth pointing out that most Exalted become what they are when a normal human's body and soul are combined/merged with a shard of literal divine power.
* The ''[[Scion]]s'' are the children of gods, and can ascend to godhood themselves.
* In ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'', Tieflings and Aasimar are descendants of [[Our Demons Are Different|fiends]] and [[Our Angels Are Different|celestials]], respectively.
** [ The] [[Half-Human Hybrid|plane]][[Heinz Hybrid|touched]] in general, as they're all descended from [[Made of Magic|outsiders]].
** Every sorcerer gets their powers from some kind of encounter with a magical force somewhere back in the family tree (either directly or indirectly.) Some of them are divine, infernal, or even [[Our Dragons Are Different|draconic]].
** D&D also has Divine Rank 0 entities (normal beings have no rank at all). Such an entity isn't a god for most purposes (they don't grant spells), but they have many of the mechanical benefits of being considered divine (immortality, max HP, a host of immunities, some DR against non Epic weapons, resistances).
* The [[Physical God|Primarchs]] and, to a lesser extent, the [[Space Marine|Space]] [[Super Soldier|Marines]] of ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]''. The Primarchs are the 20 sons of [[Truly Single Parent|the]] [[God-Emperor]], and while they aren't as powerful as him, they're nigh-godly unto themselves. The [[Space Marines]] are warriors that are [[Bio Augmented]] with the geenseed of the Primarchs, and they're basically an [[Badass Army|army]] of individuals who can each [[One-Man Army|slaughter a thousand men by themselves]].
* Anyone with [[Eldritch Abomination|Outsider Taint]] in ''[[Cthulhu Tech]]''.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* The [[Our Demons Are Different|Demonspawn]] and [[Our Gods Are Greater|Demigods]] of ''[[Dungeon Crawl]]''. They can be created through magical experiments, [[Half Human Hybrids|breeding]] with demons and gods/angels, (un)holy pacts, or any number of other ways. The former are very versatile and have a wide range of (random, but usually powerful) abilities from their demonic mutations, but are weak against [[Holy Hand Grenade|evil-smiting powers]]. The later [[The Ace|have the highest base attributes in the game, and have a lot of HP and mana pools]], but they level slowly and can't worship a god, which is pretty bad, as a lot of powers and bonuses can only be gained through religion.
* In the ''[[Baldur's Gate]]'' series, the Bhaalspawn are the children of [[Captain Obvious|Bhaal]], [[War God|the Lord of Murder]]. [[Evil Plan|He sired them so they would kill each other until none remained, at which point his essence that was scattered among them would have accumulated, and his chosen follower, Amelyssan, would have performed rituals that would have]] [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|brought him back.]] Neither [[Dragon Ascendant|Amelyssan]] nor [[Spanner in the Works|the last Bhaalspawn]] (the protagonist) complied to these plans, however.
** In fact, Amelyssan was something like 99% god by the end of the Throne of Bhaal expansion. After defeating her, the [[PC]] (him/her)self [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence|ascends to full godhood]].
* Dante and [[Evil Twin|Vergil]] of ''[[Devil May Cry]]''. They're both the sons of [[Physical God|Sparda]], a [[Our Demons Are Different|demon]] who made other demons look like wet tissue paper in comparison.
* In ''[[First Encounter Assault Recon|F.E.A.R]]'', the unnamed child that was produced by {{spoiler|[[Our Ghosts Are Different|Alma]] [[Person of Mass Destruction|Wade]] [[Rape as Drama|raping]] [[Player Character|Michael Becket]] (the protagonist of ''Project Origin'')}} certainly counts. It's even described as a ghost in the flesh.
* In ''[[Disgaea]]'', Laharal is the son of the former [[Our Demons Are Different|overlord]] and a human.
* The [[The Chosen One|Dragon]][[Player Character|born]] of ''[[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|Skyrim]]'', who was been born with the soul and blood of a [[Our Dragons Are Different|dragon]] (who are otherwise known as [[Our Angels Are Different|aedric]] [[Our Spirits Are Different|spirits]]), but has the body of a mortal.
== [[Visual Novels]] ==
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Genie in the ''[[Aladdin (Disney film)|Aladdin]]'' sequels and series. After being freed, he has gone from having "phenomenal cosmic powers" to "semi-phenomenal nearly-cosmic powers".
* ''[[Danny Phantom]]'', along with [[Big Bad|Vlad Masters]] and [[Opposite SexGender Clone|Danielle Phantom]], are half ghost, though there was no breeding between ghosts and humans involved: the former two were both results of [[Freak Lab Accident|lab accidents]], and the latter was cloned.
[[Category:Older Than Dirt]]
[[Category:Tropes of the Divine]]