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A character that's not a fully supernatural being (such as a [[Our Gods Are Greater|god]], [[Our Angels Are Different|angel]], [[Our Demons Are Different|demon]], [[Our Spirits Are Different|spirit in general]], [[Eldritch Abomination|abomination]], etc.), but has a touch of it or more in them. The character may be the [[Half Human Hybrids|offspring]]/[[Heinz Hybrid|descendant]] of supernatural creatures and mortals, or is part of a race that's inherently part-supernatural or in between. For that matter, [[Transhuman|the character might have even become part-supernatural]] as a boon from the [[Powers That Be]] or their own personal attempt to [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]]. The reverse can also happen, as a fully supernatural being [[De-Power|Descends from a Higher Plane of Existence]] and winds up with a "mere" fraction of their former supernatural touch.
These characters tend to exhibit several [[Stock Super Powers]], and if they aren't outright [[Immortal]], they're almost guaranteed to be [[Long Lived]]. They may or may not qualify as [[Humanoid Abomination|Humanoid Abominations]]s (who themselves have a high chance of being this character type), and that's if they look humanoid in the first place.
[[The Antichrist]] is almost always an example. [[Changeling Tale|Changelings]] are also frequently found to be some mix of human and [[The Fair Folk|faerie]]. [[Divine Parentage]], being [[Touched by Vorlons]] and a [[Deal with the Devil]] are common origins for this type of character. Having a [[Pieces of God|piece]] of a magical being in you may also count.
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One can think of these characters as beings that are [[Downplayed Trope|partly]] [[Made of Magic]] (or [[Our Spirits Are Different|spirit-like]] beings in general).
As can be derived from the title, part-divine characters are one of the (if not, ''the'') most common examples, which is unsurprising, considering the fact that many gods in mythology have had rather promiscuous lifestyles, and this would naturally extend to modern-day fiction. It should be noted, however, that this trope applies to any mix or midway between "normal" and purely supernatural beings, so this isn't limited to the literal [['''Semi-Divine]]'''.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* All of the ''[[Claymore|Claymores]]s'' are half-human and [[Our Demons Are Different|half-youma]] {{spoiler|except for [[The Hero|Clare]], who is only one-quarter youma}}. They're born human and become half-youma by taking youma flesh into their bodies. A fallen Claymore warrior is called an "Awakened One" and is ''far'' more powerful than a pure-blooded youma.
* [[The Hero|Ichigo Kurosaki]] of ''[[Bleach]]''. His mother was, as far as we know, a normal human. His father is a retired [[Shinigami|Soul Reaper]], meaning that he's basically a human/ghost hybrid.
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* The [[Our Vampires Are Different|vampires]] of ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''. They retain their (enhanced) bodies and their minds, but their formerly human [[Our Souls Are Different|soul]] is replaced with that of a [[Our Demons Are Different|demon]].
** Hell, most of the "demons" are an example. They're the product of countless generations of interbreeding between humans and true demons, who were more like [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]]s than their typical depictions.
** An example of a mortal attaining semi-divine status happens in ''[[Angel]]''. Cordelia was dying because her psychic visions were causing [[Power Degeneration]]. After refusing a divine offer to give up her powers and live a normal life in order to continue doing good, she was rewarded by being turned part demon. Being allied with the (generally) good [[Powers That Be]], her demonhood had no cosmetic effects, gave her immunity to [[Power Degeneration]], and healing abilities.
** Also from ''[[Angel]]'', the fifth season gives us Ilyria, an [[Eldritch Abomination|Old One]], a pure demon. Her current shell is too weak to contain her power, so Team Angel siphons off some of her power. So now she's a semi-human Old One with a fraction of her former strength.
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* The eponymous ''[[Exalted]]'' are mortals that are blessed as the divine champions of the most powerful gods and [[The Old Gods|god-like]] beings in the setting. As a consequence, they tend to have abilities that [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|far exceed]] those of the "normal" gods and spirits, which is most obviously seen in the [[Showy Invincible Hero|Solars and their derivatives]].
** It's worth pointing out that most Exalted become what they are when a normal human's body and soul are combined/merged with a shard of literal divine power.
* The ''[[Scion|Scions]]s'' are the children of gods, and can ascend to godhood themselves.
* In ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'', Tieflings and Aasimar are descendants of [[Our Demons Are Different|fiends]] and [[Our Angels Are Different|celestials]], respectively.
** [ The] [[Half-Human Hybrid|plane]][[Heinz Hybrid|touched]] in general, as they're all descended from [[Made of Magic|outsiders]].
