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[[File:rsz_sengoku_rance_829.jpg|frame|Characters, clockwise from top: [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath|Rance]], [[Lady of War|Uesugi Kenshin]], [[The Archer|Yamamoto Isoroku]], [[Tagalong Kid|Kouhime]], [[Person of Mass Destruction|Kurusu Miki]], [[Tsundere|Nanjo Ran]], [[Happiness in Slavery|Sill Plain]]. This is going to be ''interesting''.]]
'''''Sengoku Rance''''' is a [[Turn-Based Strategy]] game created by [[Alice SoftAliceSoft]] and is the seventh installment in the [[Long Runner|long-running]] [[Rance]] series (the first was released in '''1989'''). It chronicles the adventures of the wandering swordsman Rance and his traveling companion/slave girl Sill Plain as they journey across the Tenma Bridge to the distant country of JAPAN (yes, it's capitalized for a reason). The game is known for its deep, challenging and engaging gameplay, as well as the no-less-impressive quality of its music...
...for an [[H-game|H-Game]].
The truth of the matter is, Rance came to JAPAN for two reasons: first, to enjoy a relaxing hot springs vacation after narrowly escaping becoming the ruler of [[The Magocracy|Zeth]]. And second, to have sex with as many beautiful women as he possibly can. Unfortunately, he and his <s>companion</s> slave Sill get caught up in the power struggles of JAPAN's Sengoku Era and have their aid enlisted by a feudal lord by the name of [[Oda Nobunaga]], who doesn't really feel up to this whole conquering territory thing. After accepting (and with his sights set on the Oda family's young heiress [[Tagalong Kid|Kou-hime]]... [[Jail Bait Wait|once she grows up]]) Rance becomes the [[The Man Behind the Man|real power behind the throne]] and raises an army to quash dissenters within the Oda family itself, and then conquer all of JAPAN. Oh yeah, and have sex with as many beautiful women as possible.
That's not to say the game is all about sex, though. As mentioned above it has a surprisingly challenging strategy mode that pits the player against the other warring families of JAPAN, some of which you may recognise [[Historical Domain Character|as famous people from the Sengoku Era]]...except occasionally as a [[Funny Animal]] or [[Gender FlippedFlip]]ped. The pace of the plot also starts to pick up around halfway through the game when a minor accident sets in motion a disaster that has its roots all the way back in the founding of JAPAN, and which will pave the way for its future unification.
That's just the first route, by the way.
A [[Sengoku Rance/Characters|Character sheet is now in progress.]] Contributions are always welcome.
If you're interested about the Rance universe itself, [ go to this website right here.]
* [[Zero-Percent0% Approval Rating]]: Despite being called the Demon Army, the Shimazu troops don't truly believe in Xavier's cause and refuse to fight for him. It doesn't help that he keeps killing off potential recruits to intimidate the rest either.
* [[Angst? What Angst?]]
** Neither Yukkuru nor Mine are all that tore up over their (self inflicted) loss of eye and arm. Motomari Mouri doesn't bemoan his curse all that much (even if his daughters do), and Natori doesn't complain about her "Miko Of Death" curse all that much either.
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* [[Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence]]: What happens to {{spoiler|Mouri Motonari}} after you clear his character. {{spoiler|He becomes a ghost and is immune to spells like Rizna.}}
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Pretty much the case with all of the major houses. Notable inversions are Ashikaga, Akashi and Takeda. {{spoiler|Shingen doesn't actually ''exist;'' the commanders appear to have made him up.}}
* [[Babies Ever After]]: Pretty much the point of Isoroku's route, but special mention goes to the fact that {{spoiler|''Rance forgot to {{spoiler|turn the contraception spell back on.'' Remember, he claims superfertility. At the very least, it appears he's also gotten Sill pregnant. But there's a small subversion here; Rance is horrified rather than pleased.}}
** {{spoiler|In the canon epilogue Isoroku shows up to meet Kou, pregnant with Rance's child. This means that Rangi is canon now and that Rance did fulfill his promise to her to give her an heir.}}
* [[Badass]]: Most characters qualify, but special notice HAS to go to {{spoiler|Isoroku}}. Who, {{spoiler|while going into labor, manages to shoot an arrow into [[Big Bad|Xavier's]] shoulder and eye socket while losing her leg, and then giving birth moments later.}}
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** [[Badass Family]]: The Mouri family, of course.
* [[Bait and Switch Comparison]]: During a conversation between Rance and Yuzuhara Yuzumi:
{{quote| '''Rance''': Fufufu. [[I Call Him "Mister Happy"|My weapon]] is amazing as well.<br />
'''Yuzuhara Yuzumi''': ... [[Cool Sword|That thing with the face]]...?<br />
'''Rance''': No, this is just a crappy sword. }}
* [[Battle Couple]]: The most prominent example would be Rance and Sill Plain, even though they're master and slave. There's also Ranmaru and Shibata Katsuie, Akashi Kazemaru and Hibachi, and Sakamoto Ryoma and {{spoiler|either Yuzuru and Mine}} depending on player decision.
* [[Beef Gate]]: It's possible to declare war on nations like Takeda and Mouri early, just by conquering weak nations that border them. It just [[New Game+|usually]] happens to be a '''very bad idea.'''
* [[Better Than Sex]]: Rance gets more satisfaction from finding rare shells than normal sex. This is an extremely unusual example since Rance is a [[Lovable Sex Maniac]] and a [[Harem Seeker]].
* [[BFS]]: Mouri Motonari himself. {{spoiler|Even more so when you [[Brought Down to Normal|bring him down to his normal size.]]}}
* [[Big Bad]]: Xavier
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: This is Kenshin's modus operandi before she starts declaring a war on you (trust me, you'll need her unit. Also Kentarou as well, by {{spoiler|showing up in time in Ran's and Isoroku's route to kill Rengoku.}}. Rance has pulled off quite a few [[Big Damn Heroes]] moments himself, and even engineers a fake one by "saving" Isoroku from showers of arrows. The majority of the characters in this game get one of these to their credit by the end.
* [[Big Eater]]: Taken to ridiculous lengths with Kenshin, who considers a five-layer bentou box a ''snack''.
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* [[Chew Toy]]: Yamanaka Kojika's every appearance involves something horrible happening to her.
* [[Childhood Friend Romance]]: Ran and Souun.
* [[A Child Shall Lead Them]]: {{spoiler|After [[Took a Level Inin Badass|taking a level in badass]], Kouhime becomes the new ruler of the Oda faction.}}
** At the end of the game in {{spoiler|Isoroku's}} route, {{spoiler|Yamamoto Rangi, Isoroku's son with Rance, leads the whole nation of JAPAN to fight against the demons on the continent.}}
* [[Comedic Sociopathy]]: Rance. Just Rance.
** A full list of his out-and-out ''crimes'' would double or triple the length of the page; including situations where he acted despicably but not necessarily criminally would further triple it; and further stating every morally questionable action he takes or can take would produce an unreadable wall of text.
*** The game is pretty full of it even where Rance isn't involved.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: One of the [[New Game+]] bonuses is an edit to Sill's schoolgirl outfit scene that references her disguise in the first Rance.
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** And best of all, he saves '''THREE''' of the four countries in '''THE WHOLE WORLD.'''
** Rance regularly sacks countries if he doesn't like their leaders. Or their methods. Or if he's feeling bored. Or horny. If he doesn't care about something, he ''really'' doesn't care; if he DOES, though, then nothing will get in his way. It's just that he doesn't care about most things that aren't A. boning or B. eating.
* [[Crutch Character]]:
** Ranmaru She's the strongest unit you have at the start of the game, but unfortunately becomes outclassed by other characters as you go along.
** Katsuie may fit this role even better. He starts out with a lot of units, has strong overall stats, and makes a nearly unkillable wall for your other generals, before other foot soldiers with self-healing skills, strong counterattack, or All Guard become available.
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* [[Girl in a Box]]: One of the weapons used by the demon army is a massive demonic robot type of thing powered by a girl used as its core. You can probably guess what Rance does after he beats it.
* [[Gender Bender]]: Near the end of the game, you can change the gender of your characters. Hell, you can even make '''RANCE''' a woman. Of course, this leads to a [[Nonstandard Game Over]].
* [[Gender FlippedFlip]]ped: Many characters fell into this, since most of the Sengoku Jidai generals are male, and this is a straight H-game with a male protagonist.
** Uesugi Kenshin is a unique case. There are conspiracy theories in real-life Japan stating that genuine Kenshin is actually a female.
** And then there's Ryouma Sakamoto, who's... well... [[Futanari|different]]. {{spoiler|Ryouma was cursed by a youkai, and consequently has both sets of sexual organs. Clearing most of Ryouma's events allows the player to choose a permanent sex for her/him}}.
** Isoroku takes her name from a Japanese WWII admiral of the same name. Even the kanji for their full name is identical. On a similar vein, there's another generic female general by the name of Hide''g''i Tojo, a genderflip version of Hide''k''i Tojo, a general and Prime Minister of Japan during [[WW 2]].
* {{spoiler|[[Generation Xerox]]: Subverted HARD. Rance and Isoroku's son is WAAAAAAAAAAAY different from Rance himself.}}
* [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere]]: Granted the game will somewhat warn you that the dungeon [[Bonus Level of Hell|Road To Hades]] will feature a boss (because there are 18 floors and you usually retreat before reaching the last floor), if you're stupid enough to push through to the 18th floor, you will be {{spoiler|fighting Gunagan, a giant wall who will shoot out some laser at your party. At this point, your party will be so exhausted from their action points if they started from floor one.}}
* [[Grand Theft Me]]: {{spoiler|Xavier takes over Nobunaga's body. In the True and Yamamoto routes, both are killed. In Ran route, both are sealed and in Kenshin route Kenshin manages to free him from possession.}}
* [[Gratuitous English]]: It's not a joke, the country's name is really written as JAPAN.
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* [[Implausible Fencing Powers]]: The Leazas Royal Guard all use rapiers and are one of the most powerful units in the game, being able to decimate large units of spearmen with ease.
* [[Incurable Cough of Death]]: Parodied with Cough Cough Disease, moreso by the fact that the disease is curable. A citizen informs Nozomi of this, but is quickly shot down by her Hanny tormenters because "incurable girls are moe". This is [[Funny Aneurysm Moment|actually rather jarring]] considering Okita Nozomi is based on the historical Okita Souji, who died of tuberculosis.
* [[In -Universe Game Clock]]: Time in the game is simply given as 'turns' instead of actual time. However, events starts to occur as turns passes.. Many of the events can be lost forever, such as {{spoiler|saving Soun}}, as taking too much time results in {{spoiler|Ran leaving on her own}}. Furthermore, the less time you take, the greater your score in the end.
* [[I Read It for the Articles|I Play It For The Tactics]]:If the current article is anything to go by, most people view the H scenes as a mere bonus. Or at least, that's what they want to talk about.
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: The biggest offender is probably Hojo Soun, who is actually happy that Nanjo Ran {{spoiler|finds love with Rance as he is about to die}}. Rance actually takes advantage of this to {{spoiler|force the unwilling Ran into being his lover}}. The ever so innocent Kenshin is fully willing to give up Rance or share him with other women as long as Rance is happy.
* [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique]]: There's no other trope that can describe what Rance does to get information out of important prisoners.
* [[Jerkass]]: Who else but Rance? As an example: When an earthquake devastates a nation he is at war with, he immediately gets the idea to send them poisoned relief supplies. What a hero. Fortunately, his [[Morality Pet]] Sill replaces the poison with laxatives as a less-lethal alternative.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Rance... kinda. While definitely a Jerkass and a [[Designated Hero]], he does have a few moments that show off a level of human decency we don't often see from him, particularly towards Sill Plain. Maybe Jerk With A Heart Of Gold Plating would be more accurate...
** Oh, definately has a Heart of Gold but only shows it to certain women. Rizna is a great example for the older games, but for Sengoku Rance it is likely Kenshin.
*** Isoroku definitely counts in {{spoiler|her route. What, being one of the few women if not the <s>second</s> (his supposedly first child did not appear due to the fact that the first woman Rance impregnated had to do an abortion and thus Rance started to take birth control seriously and the second one was with the Devil Ferris. The son's name is Dark Rance) son that came from him? After she requested that she did not need to have a son anymore due to her feelings for Rance? And Rance gets touched himself?}}
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* [[Luck-Based Mission]]: Trying to capture specific commanders will probably make you scream at your monitor. Usual suspects would be Kikkawa Kiku (you need to capture her before conquering Mouri if you want to clear her), Nanjou Ran (if you want Souun in your party or to set up Ran route), the three Takeda generals (who more often than not simply disappeared from the face of JAPAN once Takeda fell), and Agireda (who you can only clear in True Route and that route definitely has a time limit).
** To explain: encountering them is half the trouble that's worth already. Then comes the REALLY fun part: capturing them. Due to the fact that either a.) they're behind the enemy lines, b.) if you kill too many units while having the Light Attack + Defeated Warrior Hunt even though you've used it on those specific units, they get to capture someone different instead, or c.) foot soldier units defend your target so that you can't even get to them to beat them in time.
** To make matters worse, some generals can only be recruited after their country is conquered, AND they must join another country first before they can be brought to your side. The three Takeda generals (Baba Shouen, Yamagata Masakage, and Yoshikage Kousaka) can be a real pain to search after Takeda's fall, to the point where trying to recruit them almost requires its own playthrough.
* [[Macrogame]]:
** Starting from your second playthrough, you're given a number of points equal to your high score, which you can spend on perks at the beginning of the game.
** It's impossible to see everything in one playthrough, but the game does keep track of every significant accomplishment you've made, regardless of whether or not it happened in the current playthrough. Character clears, special commanders, dungeons, and even specific events and certain difficult Free-for-All plays are all listed in the Completion Report.
* [[Manipulative Bitch]]: Keikoku, who seems to have no other purpose than to show up in the three heroine routes and cause trouble/be a general asspain.
** [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: While she's manipulative in the If routes, she doesn't even appear in the True Route, which is considered [[Canon]].
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* [[Morality Pet]]: Sill. {{spoiler|In True History Route, she will be killed if you attack Hounouji alone, which makes Rance go nuts. If you survive, she gets frozen in a block of ice(setting up a scenario for Rance VIII). If you go into the Demon King Route, Rance goes insane and becomes the new Demon King.}}
** Also Kouhime. Rance does ''not'' tolerate any abuse to her and is also far nicer to her than he is to Sill. He not only avoids sleeping with her, he even responds maturely to her asking him why he hasn't tried!
*** He has a rare freak out when she asks him if {{spoiler|she's been soiled after her rape}}. Compared to how carefree and happy-go-lucky he normally is, its a sure sign that the story has truly taken a turn for the serious (if the previous event hadn't already clued you in).
* [[Multiple Endings]]: In addition to the main "True History" route, there are three additional story routes for Kenshin, Ran and Isoroku that differ from the main story at certain points, in addition to a story-less "sandbox" route accessed by killing Nobunaga's monkey that allows the player to focus on conquering their way through Japan, completely uninhibited by the plot.
* [[My Rules Are Not Your Rules]]: The player's number of commanders and troops are limited by his amount of national power (which is gained by conquering and upgrading territories), and human players can never have more than thirty commanders at a time - needless to say, the AI players aren't bothered by these rules in the slightest, which is why they can have well over forty commanders and an army of twenty-thousand soldiers (something which would require any human player anywhere from 12 to 15 territories to maintain) or more, even when they control only a single territory.
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* [[Power Glows]]: Win the Emperor Race in Kenshin's route and {{spoiler|Kenshin acquires the Emperor's aura which makes her shine so much that people living in JAPAN ''bow down to her''. She can also turn it on and off at will causing her to play with it until Naoe Ai tells her to stop it.}}
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: The Shimazu family, after they become the Demon Army.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Swearing isn't particularly special, and course language is thrown around fairly commonly--which is all the more surprising that {{spoiler|Rance's "You idiot! You ''fucking virgin''!" towards Kentarou}} is so powerful. In this case, it's because he (and the player) are [[Genre Savvy]] enough to realize that {{spoiler|knocking Xavier out of the window was the ''worst'' possible outcome, because it gives him the opportunity to escape. And sure enough, they [[Never Found the Body]].}}
* [[Rain of Arrows]]: A special attack that archer units can do.
* [[Rape as Drama]]: With all of the comedic rape in the game, it's quite surprising and dramatic changes how much the mood shifts when {{spoiler|young princess Kouhime is gang-raped}}. {{spoiler|Ai's rape}} was off-screen, but is one of the few [[Pet the Dog]] moments for Rance. Leila and Kurohime similarly qualify. The first two happen offscreen, which eliminates any ability to find them titillating. The latter two are simply too gruesome.
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* [[Revenge]]: Many cases, but chiefly Xavier wants this on all of JAPAN for sealing him. Souun wants this on Gigai {{spoiler|for killing Ran.}}
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: The heads of most, if not all, of the families take to the field as commanders.
* [[Rule of Cool]]: Baba Shouen must have taken a page from [[Sengoku Basara|Shingen]] by riding not one BUT TWO Tebasaki's.
* [[Samurai in Ninja Town]]: Parodied. One event has a [[Cold Opening]] featuring Kentarou "surrounded by a ninja town...". Kentarou attempts to ask himself how it came to this, and begins to flash back...only to realize that he has ''no idea'' how he got there. Even his talking sword is confused.
* [[Save Scumming]]: As per the rule of single-player strategy game, many of the events can be reloaded for better result and enemy actions are randomized. Also considering that almost anyone can die in battle, you better have a previous save when [[Anyone Can Die|that girl you are trying to clear suddenly dies in an unfortunate battle]].
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* [[Sword Beam]]: That Rance attack? It really is a [[Sword Beam]]. Also Kentarou-kun Slash.
* [[Take Your Time]]: Except in Ran's route, this is averted just about everywhere. Take too long to stop the crying old man? BAM, JAPAN goes down. Take too long to find the [[Big Bad]] in {{spoiler|Kenshin's route}}? BAM, JAPAN goes down. Take too long to find the {{spoiler|Demon King}}? BAM, JAPAN goes... wait... you can technically win this route ( {{spoiler|With the enemy accusing you of cheating}}).
** One exception, is the Honnouji Temple Route: You can take forever to go to said temple. can't attack any other houses, between the time the event comes up, and the time it is finished. Thus, there is an effective timer. Eventually, you run out of other things to do. You can still boost your units a LOT.
* [[The Day the Music Lied]]: It's Naoe Ai's H scene, "My Glorious Days" is playing, he's enjoying it and she's putting up with it...then suddenly, the music stops. {{spoiler|Because he thoughtlessly says something that reminds himself she gave up her body to protect Kenshin. He even says that he's sorry, asks forgiveness, and offers to call off the whole thing--perhaps the ONLY TIME in the entire series that this has happened. Ends up being subverted when Naoe doesn't care and a remix starts playing.}}
* [[Theme Naming]]: 3G, Edge and Dokkomo are named after things relating to cellphones. In the Miko Institute, Natori, Isuzu and Maya are all named after battleships.
* [[Throw the Dog a Bone]]: Kojika's character clear has Rance finally listen to her and decide he will reinstate the family she served.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Happens to many character throughout the game. A few are plot relevant, but most can be induced by Rance if the player has him pick all of the [[Video Game Caring Potential|options that let Rance show his nice side.]]
* [[Tournament Arc]]: Only applies to Kenshin's route {{spoiler|where it's a race to become the emperor of JAPAN.}}
* [[A Tragedy of Impulsiveness]]: Things usually work out OK when Rance goes with his instincts, but there are some notable exceptions, {{spoiler|especially in situations involving Miki the Demon King.}}
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* [[Violation of Common Sense]] - There a few of these. But the most significant one is that {{spoiler|once you conquer some of the Shimazu teritories can leave JAPAN and abandon the war, which of course leads to a bad end.}}
* [[The Virus]]: The curse of the Soul Binder turns people into zombies and they must infect 5 other people before they are allowed to die.
* [["Wake -Up Call" Boss]]: Arguably, the Tokugawa house. The first two houses (Hara and Ashikaga) are pretty easy, with the Miko Institute slightly more difficult but not unbearable. Tokugawa throws you the games' first curveball during his last stand. He's got two ninjas who can Assassinate you, Tadakatsu can pull off a devastating Commanders Charge on you, and Ieyasu himself has 5 actions plus a very powerful attack and self-buff skill. If you try to attack either of them, you've got Sakakibara Yasumasa to deal with, whose high defense makes killing him a bear. Your best strategy is to patiently bleed him dry by capturing his powerful allies and reducing his troop levels, but that might not occur to you the first time through.
** They are unlikely to attack you first, however--reflected in-story by Tokugawa's pacifist stance. Although he is plenty capable of conquering his weaker neighbors, (Imagawa is a [[Joke Character|weak house]] Tokugawa doesn't invade them out of respect for his fellow youkai).
* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]: Definitely [[Manly Gay|Gigai]].
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