Sequel Difficulty Drop: Difference between revisions

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* While the ''Legends'' remake for ''[[Skies of Arcadia]]'' is unchanged gameplay-wise, some tweaks were significant enough to make it much easier: far lower encounter rates (the most common complaint for the original Dreamcast game), several sidequests that allow for more experience points (and extra items if you do the Moonfish Sidequest), a "Wanted List" and more Discoveries for monetary rewards (the latter allowing you to recruit a particular member for your ship's crew earlier in the game), and a shiny new [[Infinity+1 Sword]] for the main character.
* ''[[Guild Wars]] Nightfall'', although one can argue that rather than a difficulty drop, it was actually making it ''fair''. One of the criticisms of Factions was that a lot of people started period or paying attention to [[Player Versus Environment]] on it because it was quite literally ''way'' easier to start and get a character leveled up in Factions than it was in Prophecies. (Factions missions give thousands of experience; Prophecies gives ''hundreds''.) Unfortunately, Factions' [[Player Versus Environment|PvE]] mode was designed with thinking everyone had already played Prophecies first, even if you did not need to have Prophecies to play Factions, and threw you ''right'' on into the hard missions. ''Nightfall'' actually lets you ease more into the missions as its difficulty spikes come in ''far'' later than in Factions.
* ''[[Golden Sun: Dark Dawn]]'' has this. The random encounters, puzzles (except for [[That One Puzzle|the Capricorn puzzle]]) and bosses are all substantially easier than the first two games, which alienated a lot of the fans. That being said, the [[Bonus Boss]] fights somehow got even harder than they were in The Lost Age.
* ''[[Return to Krondor]]'' is much easier than it's predecessor, ''[[Betrayal at Krondor]]''. This is largely due to the [[Genre Shift]] from a traditional dungeon-crawler to an adventure game with non-random RPG combat encounters.
* ''[[Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World]]'' is significantly easier than the original ''[[Tales of Symphonia]]'', [[Self-Imposed Challenge|Self Imposed Challenges]] may not be withstanding.
* ''[[Dark Cloud]] 2'' does away with a LOT of the aggravations from the previous game: weapons are no longer permanently lost if broken, the characters no longer have a thirst meter, enemies drop a lot more money, and the inventory window is not only much larger, but items stack--you can carry 20 of each healing item without taking up 20 individual slots in your inventory.