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* In the ''[[Earth's Children]]'' series, Jondalar is portrayed like this, due in no small part to his [[Bigger Is Better in Bed|hardware]] and how well it and Ayla's own fit together.
* ''[[The Destroyer]]'' series. In one of the books it's noted that Remo can use his knowledge of Sinanju to bring any woman to orgasm by touching her pressure points in a specific order.
** A [[Running Gag]] was that Remo never managed to complete the sequence; every woman was overwhelmed by sexual craving and leaped on him before he'd got more than about halfway through the list of points. Evidently he was doing something '''wrong''', though it certainly didn't seem that way to the ladies.
** Played with in the Film and TV series pilot. In the film Chiun claims to know the pressure points to bring a woman to Nirvana. When Remo asks him what they are, he shows Remo how to tap his wrist with a regular beat. Remo asks if that's the first point, Chiun says "No, that is how you know when the rice is done." and removes the rice that had been cooking off the burner. In the TV pilot, Remo tries the wrist-tapping on a woman and asks her if it does anything for her. It doesn't.
* The female protagonist of the [[Chick Lit|Jennifer Weiner]] novel titled, er, ''Good In Bed.''