Shadowgirls: Difference between revisions

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"[[HPH.P. Lovecraft]] [[X Meets Y|meets]] ''[[Gilmore Girls]]''" -- Possibly with a dash of [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]] in the mix.
Fifteen year old Charon McKay mysteriously disappears from the small coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts and returns several months later, naked, delirious, and pregnant with no memory of anything that happened during the time she was missing. The mystery is considered solved when her post-return medical exam uncovers a operable brain tumor but her best friend Jackson Snow is still sufficiently freaked out about it to ditch Charon for [[Rich Bitch]] Christmas "Chrissy" Banks, Charon's local tormentor and rival for Jack's affections. Seizing her opportunity Chrissy seals her victory by using her family connections to permenently ruin Charon's reputation. After undergoing treatment for her tumor Charon eventually gives birth to a daughter, Rebecka, who she endeavors to raise as best she can despite the situation.
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* [[Loser Son of Loser Dad]]: Becka and Charon
* [[Lovecraft Country]]: The action takes place in Innsmouth. Yes, ''that'' Innsmouth.
* [[Lovecraft Lite]]: The webcomic is set in Innsmouth, involves the Esoteric Order of Dagon, and has shoutouts to [[HPH.P. Lovecraft|Lovecraft's]] Shadows over Innsmouth. You also have other things {{spoiler|and people}} working against the Old Ones {{spoiler|who manage to pull off a pretty solid win at the end of the first season}}
* [[Love Triangle]]: Even though Jack married Christmas, it took him ''fifteen years'' to make a real decision between her and Charon.
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: {{spoiler|The Master of the Esoteric Order of Dagon is actually Charon's mother, Moira. Charon and Becka are currently unaware of this fact.}}
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** And with the RP that exists in the forums. Whenever you see characters like Hera and Tain popping up, that's a forumite crossover.
* [[Shock Party]]: Becca almost gets gang-raped in one of these.
* [[Shout -Out]] [[X Meets Y|meets]] [[Self-Deprecation]] when one of ''Starkweather'' characters insults ''Shadowgirls'' and it's creators [ here]. Also, the artist tends to sneak in little [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]] to his friends in the art.
** Becka's ringtone [ appears to be] the [[Kim Possible|Kim Possible theme]].
* [[Tell Me About My Father]]: very awkward, when you don't actually know.
* [[Things Man Was Not Meant to Know]]: Lampshaded by two Deep Ones [ here].
* [[Tomato in Thethe Mirror]]: Played with for {{spoiler|Christmas Snow}} who gets the moment of revelation but it doesn't seem like it has sunk in yet.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Every important female character.
** Any character that has run into the {{spoiler|fish people or the EOD}} and isn't dead, specifically {{spoiler|Sawyer and Paul}}.
* [[Town Withwith a Dark Secret]]: Well, it ''is'' Innsmouth. . .
* [[Traumatic Superpower Awakening]]
* [[Villainy Discretion Shot]]: Deep Ones. We know they used to raid and kidnap humans, but don't see much of this. Especially {{spoiler|Christmas Snow's mom}}, who visited the beach with the intent to kill some humans twice, but both times was sidetracked by running straight into the people she doesn't ''want'' to harm.
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]?: {{spoiler|Christmas Snow being revealed as a half-human half-progenitor hasn't come up since the ritual near the end of Season One.}}
** {{spoiler|That was true until just recently.}}
* [[Voice Withwith an Internet Connection]]: Fides.
* [[X Meets Y]]: [[Gilmore Girls]] meets [[HPH.P. Lovecraft]] - it's the whole premise of this comic.