Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo: Difference between revisions

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* [[Flower Motifs]] -- The town is surrounded by a huge field of sunflowers, which provides a backdrop for many important events of the game. Additionally Kenichi refers a few times to one or more of the girls as the [[Title Drop|"sunflower girl(s)"]] in the dialogue, and the sunflower has potent symbolism in-universe, as demonstrated in one climatic scene.
* [[Forced to Watch]] -- ''The whole town'' is forced to watch {{spoiler|Natsumi's public execution}}. Or at least they would have been if it had gone according to plan.
* [[Freak -Out]] -- Natsumi has one, when {{spoiler|she realizes that Kenichi is indeed Higuchi Ken. She did ''not'' want him to see her living such a miserable existence.}}
* [[The Gadfly]] -- Kenichi loves to tease and make sarcastic remarks at everybody but Natsumi (which a few of his targets note frustratedly.) Interestingly he also follows the original definition of the word as well. To motivate the girls to work to throw off their obligations, he intentionally disrupts the lifestyles that they've adopted to adjust to them, or goes out of his way to bring up uncomfortable past events that they've just swept under the rug.
* [[Gag Boobs]] -- Evidently any weight accumulated by Sachi due to her lazy lifestyle went to her breasts.
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*** In the Harem epilogue: {{spoiler|All Kenchi/Ken's friends were allowed to return to their hometown a year after, with no incident. Ririko and Natsumi's obligations were lifted, and Ririko is now allowed to return to university in the city. Again, Kenchi/Ken suspects Houzuki must have played some part in this. It is highlighted that Houzuki withdrew [[State Sec|Public Security Police]] from the area, and he himself left shortly afterwards to respect the small peace Kenchi/Ken and his friends have regained}}.
* [[Protectorate]] -- Natsumi is Kenichi's - one of the first things he does in the game is threaten to kill Houzuki if he does anything to her. [[Badass|To his face]].
* [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]] -- In the [[Wham! Episode|final chapter]] of the visual novel, {{spoiler|[[Evil Mentor|Houzuki]] has [[Fragile Flower|Natsumi]] on [[Disproportionate Retribution|death row]] in order to [[Gambit Roulette|enact his plan to make capital punishment the newest sentence in the already cruel national justice system]]. Armed [[Secret Police|Public Security Police]] officers swarming in the hundreds, locking down the town and cutting off all access/communication to the rest of the country. There is no chance that help from the government will [[Race Against Time|arrive in time]] to stop the rogue [[Ubermensch|Special High Class Individual]] from executing our leading lady. Standing against them is [[The Hero|our hero]] with his friends: his [[Strange Girl|odd]] [[Brother-Sister Incest|sister]], the [[White-Haired Pretty Boy|white-haired]] genius [[Cloudcuckoolander|Cuckoolander]], a [[Genki Girl]] painter, and the local [[Tsundere]], who is an aspiring cook.}} Refer to [[Five-Man Band]] while you're here.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]] -- Houzuki's rare [[Pet the Dog]] moments come from him allowing Kenichi to bend the rules to achieve a tangible result, or, say, agreeing Natsumi's previous supervising [[Ubermensch|Special High Class Individuals]] were incompetent. Of course, it's perfectly in line with his "ends justify the means" mentality and he [[Kick the Dog|kicks the dog]] more than enough to make up for it.
** Though he really does stop [[Kick the Dog|kicking]] once the epilogue rolls around.