Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo: Difference between revisions

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'''Touka''': "You're doing that muttering thing again..." }}
** {{spoiler|Subverted. He was really talking to Ririko the whole time, just indirectly because of the Maximum Penalty. The only time the fourth wall is really broken is in regards to a dream Touka has that is from Kenichi's point of view. She says that it's confusing to the readers.}}
* [[Brother -Sister Incest]] -- Ririko was rather ''teasing'' when Kenichi was young. And by teasing we mean BDSM play, though they never actually had sex. {{spoiler|She's also one of the possible endings, though you have no way of knowing this until you're almost finished with the story.}}
* [[Cassandra Truth]] -- Kenichi often makes throwaway references to things like being wealthy or having fought in a war, which the girls tend to pass off as just Kenichi being weird. {{spoiler|They're all true; Kenichi managed a company to immense financial success and is actually a decorated war veteran.}}
* [[Catch Phrase]] -- Kenichi, Sachi, and Touka all have them, and they're all lampshaded and played with to hell.
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* [[Crapsack Only By Comparison]] -- The government makes life pretty terrible for the main cast over the course of the game, but rates of crime and socially destructive behavior throughout the country are implied to actually be very low, and obligations such as the ones the heroines labor under quite rare, when compared to imprisonment in our world.
* [[Crazy Prepared]] -- {{spoiler|Subverted with Houzuki, who admits that he really isn't as prepared for everything that can happen as he acts and is instead manipulating the events so his preparations are useful. But played straight with Kenichi's faked drug addiction.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]}} -- {{spoiler|Isono and Kenichi.}}
* [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] -- When {{spoiler|Ririko}} explains her past connection to [[Tsundere|Touka]], which involves her forcing Touka to call her Onee-sama, teaching her violent catch phrases ("I'll murder you!") and generally how to be [[Tsundere]]. Made even better by the [[Mood Whiplash]].
** {{spoiler|The epilogue of Touka's route. You think the door is going to open on her father, she welcomes in her father, and... Isono is standing there. I almost fell off my chair because I was laughing so hard. And also, Isono in general.}}
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* [[Fate Worse Than Death]] -- [[Unperson|The Maximum Penalty]]
* [[Fan Nickname]]: The Higuchi family is sometimes called the "Ero" family in China because of the Japanese Kanji could be rendered as such. Houzuki is called "[[Norio Wakamoto|Gov. Wakamoto]]".
* [[First -Name Basis]] -- An important milestone to cross in Touka's chapter.
* [[Five -Man Band]] -- {{spoiler|Natsumi's rescue team}}
** [[The Hero]] -- Kenichi/{{spoiler|Ken}}
** [[The Lancer]] -- {{spoiler|Ririko}}
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** In that moment, Houzuki seems to show a hint of his humanity; acknowledging {{spoiler|that he has been bested, that the student has surpassed the teacher.}} It seems that he finally respects Kenchi as an equal, {{spoiler|and as the son of his close friend, Kenchi's father.}} That reason kept Houzuki from killing Kenichi when they first met.
** The fan disk gives more reasons for Houzuki's motivations, why he kept Kenichi alive, and why he went to such lengths to try to make Kenichi into a man who could stand at the top of society.
* [[Green -Eyed Monster]]: One of Ken's classmates from the flashback can't take rejection very well.
* [[Guile Hero]] -- Kenichi's learned a few tricks about manipulating people.
* [[Handicapped Badass]] -- Houzuki is an old man with a cane and a limp in one leg, but he can probably beat the shit out of you in a moment. {{spoiler|Especially since he's been faking the limp for seven years.}}
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* [[Limited Wardrobe]]
* [[Love Triangle]] -- If you pick Sachi or Touka there are scenes indicating they feel a certain amount of rivalry with Natsumi. {{spoiler|They even break off the relationship temporarily in order to facilitate Natsumi's rehabilitation.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father]] -- Houzuki is actually Kenichi's father. He never tells this directly to Kenichi, thought he might eventually but it isn't clear what happens after his epilogue. Nonetheless it serves as a reveal to the readers.}}
** There are hints in the original game that kinda point to this: {{spoiler|1) Higuchi Saburou said that Ken and Ririko weren't blood related at all. 2) Houzuki's almost unnatural obsession with Kenichi, even if you assume that Ken is his best friend's son. 3) While Houzuki pretty much beat the crap out of everyone else, he refuse to harm Natsumi. The reason is, as he stated himself, Natsumi reminded him too much of Kenichi's mother. 4) Kenichi is a lot like Houzuki, just a lot friendlier, while Ririko and Sepia act more like Saburou.}}
* [[MacGuffin]] -- {{spoiler|When Kenchi and his friends open a thumbdrive left to him by his father, the deceased revolutionary leader, [[Big Good|Higuchi Saburou]], they find that it contains schematics of the national political power structure, illustrating alliances and [[Divided We Fall|opposing factions]] within the national government; [[Insecurity System|weaknesses in security devices used in government installations]]; knowledge on forging documents, financial assets, and more. Essentially, everything a [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|capable group of people]] need to do anything from running for a presidential election, to leading an [[La Résistance|open rebellion]]}}.
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*** In the Harem epilogue: {{spoiler|All Kenchi/Ken's friends were allowed to return to their hometown a year after, with no incident. Ririko and Natsumi's obligations were lifted, and Ririko is now allowed to return to university in the city. Again, Kenchi/Ken suspects Houzuki must have played some part in this. It is highlighted that Houzuki withdrew [[State Sec|Public Security Police]] from the area, and he himself left shortly afterwards to respect the small peace Kenchi/Ken and his friends have regained}}.
* [[Protectorate]] -- Natsumi is Kenichi's - one of the first things he does in the game is threaten to kill Houzuki if he does anything to her. [[Badass|To his face]].
* [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]] -- In the [[Wham Episode|final chapter]] of the visual novel, {{spoiler|[[Evil Mentor|Houzuki]] has [[Fragile Flower|Natsumi]] on [[Disproportionate Retribution|death row]] in order to [[Gambit Roulette|enact his plan to make capital punishment the newest sentence in the already cruel national justice system]]. Armed [[Secret Police|Public Security Police]] officers swarming in the hundreds, locking down the town and cutting off all access/communication to the rest of the country. There is no chance that help from the government will [[Race Against Time|arrive in time]] to stop the rogue [[Ubermensch|Special High Class Individual]] from executing our leading lady. Standing against them is [[The Hero|our hero]] with his friends: his [[Strange Girl|odd]] [[Brother -Sister Incest|sister]], the [[White -Haired Pretty Boy|white-haired]] genius [[Cloudcuckoolander|Cuckoolander]], a [[Genki Girl]] painter, and the local [[Tsundere]], who is an aspiring cook.}} Refer to [[Five -Man Band]] while you're here.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]] -- Houzuki's rare [[Pet the Dog]] moments come from him allowing Kenichi to bend the rules to achieve a tangible result, or, say, agreeing Natsumi's previous supervising [[Ubermensch|Special High Class Individuals]] were incompetent. Of course, it's perfectly in line with his "ends justify the means" mentality and he [[Kick the Dog|kicks the dog]] more than enough to make up for it.
** Though he really does stop [[Kick the Dog|kicking]] once the epilogue rolls around.
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* [[School Uniforms Are the New Black]] -- Mostly [[Justified Trope|justified]] - people with obligations are required to wear their patches indicating them prominently at all times so that other people may treat them accordingly, and Houzuki's ordered that his approval is required before any of the girls wear another outfit to ensure compliance. As for Kenichi, he's living out of a suitcase and can't carry more than he truly needs.
* [[Selective Obliviousness]] -- {{spoiler|Isono figures out who Kenichi really is, and Sachi is always slightly suspicious about it. Natsumi, on the other hand, absolutely refuses to think about it or acknowledge it.}}
* [[Shell -Shocked Veteran]] -- Kenichi. {{spoiler|[[Fake Weakness|Or so he claims.]]}}
* [[Show Within a Show]] -- An unnamed "sci-fi" book series has some popularity and is read avidly by several characters. It chronicles the societies of our world, which is of course fictional in theirs. Kenichi often uses this to highlight differences between reality and the in-story world.
* [[Shrinking Violet]] -- Natsumi, most obviously. {{spoiler|Higuchi Ken, that is, Kenichi as a child}}, not so obviously.
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* [[There Are No Therapists]] -- Averted - Isono claims to have seen one (and been declared mentally unsound), and it's logical to both Kenichi and likely the audience that resolving the girls' psychological issues would be crucial to properly rehabilitating them (which is his actual ''job'').
** {{spoiler|And when Kenichi acts as more of a therapist to Natsumi than... whatever it is he's supposed to do, he gets yelled at by Houzuki for not doing his job and proving she wasn't emotionally manipulative or a seductress.}}
* [[Theme Music Power -Up]] -- Any time "Watch Out!" starts playing, Kenichi's about to do something awesome.
* [[The Power of Love]] -- {{spoiler|The only thing keeping Natsumi from killing herself is her love for Ken and the hope that she'll be together with him again some day. Houzuki's realization of this is why her obligation is not lifted, despite knowing it was falsely given to her - the obligation's name, "Prohibition of Falling in Love" is literal.}}
* [[The Tease]] -- Sachi
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* [[Unperson]] -- Since they don't have the death penalty, they instead have a variant of this as their great punishment. {{spoiler|The Maximum Penalty forces people to not acknowledge someone's existence and act as if they don't exist. This is why although the class laughs when the underwear in Kenichi's case is spilled everywhere he doesn't explain why it's there and the class doesn't hold it against him. He obviously has to do Ririko's shopping.}}
* [[Unwanted Harem]] -- At the beginning of Sachi's route after a confession Kenichi asks Mana if she knows what a harem is. To his surprise, she does. And then assumes he must be making one and asks if she can join.
* [[Visionary Villain]] -- As ruthless as Houzuki's conduct is, he's not doing it for the [[For the Evulz|sake of evil alone]]. He truly believes that what he is doing will [[Well -Intentioned Extremist|improve society and preserve its security]]. No matter the [[Utopia Justifies the Means|cost to the lives of individuals]].
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]] -- As a [[Guile Hero]] meddling in very sensitive affairs in others characters' lives as he lives with them, there's pretty much no way this could ''not'' happen to Kenichi.
* [[Who Writes This Crap?]]
{{quote| '''Uzuki''' (after Kenichi walks in on Touka sleeping naked in the bath): Good heavens. This script employs too many cliches...}}
* [[Your Princess Is in Another Castle]] -- The credits roll after Sachi's route finishes. For most VNs this would be an appropriate enough place to have credits, but the story is structured so that one route follows another in a certain order.