She-Ra: Princess of Power: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| ''"I am Adora, [[He-Man and Thethe Masters of The Universe (Animation)|He-Man and The Masters of Thethe Universe]]'s [[Distaff Counterpart|twin sister]], and defender of the Crystal Castle. This is Spirit, my [[Cool Horse|beloved steed.]] Fabulous secrets were revealed to me, the day I [[Stab the Sky|held aloft my sword]] and said,'[[By the Power of Grayskull|For The Honor Of Grayskull!]] [[Transformation Name Announcement|I AM SHE-RA!!!]]'''}}
'''''She-Ra: Princess of Power''''' is the sister series to [[Filmation]]'s ''[[He Man and The Masters of The Universe (Animation)|He-Man and the Masters of the Universe]]''. It tells the story of Adora, the twin sister of Prince Adam of Eternia (He-Man, himself), who was kidnapped as an infant to the planet Etheria, and later is given the power to become She-Ra in order to save the planet from its tyrannical ruler Hordak, who is a member of the galaxy-spanning Horde.
Instead of having a nemesis like Skeletor, a disgruntled citizen who spends his days regularly attempting to kick the heroes' royal asses, She-Ra has Hordak, who ALREADY runs the planet, which inserts some problems when alien characters comes to visit (and he turns out to be Skeletor's mentor, allowing for even more excuses for crossovers).
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* [[The Archer]]: Bow
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: Honestly, it wouldn't be a He-Man spin-off without all the [[Ho Yay]] and [[Les Yay]]. And perhaps it's ''even more'' Camp than He-Man was, thanks to the show being full of Action Girls and male characters like Bow needing to be rescued all the time. Nostalgia Chick commented on how close Prince Adam and Bow got in the intro-movie...
{{quote| '''[[The Nostalgia Chick (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Chick]]:''' Geez, why don't you hold his hips a little more tender there?}}
* [[An Asskicking Christmas]]: The Christmas special
* [[Badass Normal]]: Netossa, Sea Hawk
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* [[Bash Brothers|Bash Siblings:]] She-Ra and He-Man.
* [[Big Bad]]: Hordak, though [[Bigger Bad|he takes orders from Horde Prime]].
** In the toyline, however, the Big Bad is Catra, presumably because Hordak and his [[Evil Minions]] were marketed as ''[[He-Man and Thethe Masters of The Universe (Animation)|He-Man and The Masters of Thethe Universe]]'' action figures.
* [[Bigger Bad]]: Hordak actually takes orders from a galactic overlord named Horde Prime.
* [[Book-Burning]]: The theme and the title of one episode.
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* [[Cool Crown]]: She-Ra's headdress is a crown with wings on the side.
* [[Cool Horse]]: Adora's horse Spirit. And he becomes an even ''cooler'' horse (Swift Wind, actually a winged unicorn) when she transforms into She-Ra.
* [[Crossover]]: Characters from ''[[He Man and The Masters of The Universe (Animation)|He-Man and the Masters of the Universe]]'' appear in several episodes.
* [[Cute but Cacophonic]]: Catra. Dear God, Catra!
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: Since the show was aimed at girls, not only are most of the heroines Action Girls (as mentioned above), but quite a number of the villains are Action Girls, whether through general butt-kicking or in Shadow Weaver's case, actually being a very competant Second to Hordak.
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* [[The Ditz]]: Perfuma, to some degree.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: It may just be this Troper's imagination, but because of his/it's appearance as nothing but a huge cloud of black mist with a giant mechanical arm (and being described as having two heads!) constantly surveying his/it's galactic empire in an enormous starship/warship, and given his/it's predilection for utilizing monsters/demons/sorcerers/cyborgs/cyborg sorcerers as minions, I was always under the distinct impression that Horde Prime was one of these... or at the very least, a [[Demon Lord]].
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Mermista not only is a siren able to change her fish tail into normal legs, she also has [[Kill It Withwith Water|hydrokinetic]] powers.
** Glimmer has light powers, Frosta has ice powers, Perfuma controls earth, and She-Ra is implied to have power over air (she can use her breath as a weapon, and she owns a Pegasus).
* [[Episode Title Card]]
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses]]: Adora is the Princess of Eternia (though in Etheria she is just an ex-member of the horde) and there's also Princess Glimmer of Bright Moon.
* [[Evolving Credits]]: In the first few episodes, a male announcer reads the [[Opening Narration]]. After Adora becomes She-Ra, she reads a new version of the narration.
** The male announcer in question is "Erik Gunden" (a.k.a. Lou Scheimer, the show's executive producer).
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* [[Gold Makes Everything Shiny]]: She-Ra's outfit is white with gold decoration, and her boots, bracelets, and headdress are gold.
* [[Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!]]: Despite her screechy, creepy voice, green clawed hands and a totally cloaked face, the [[Wicked Witch]] Shadow Weaver has, on numerous occasions, been noted to have quite the body.
{{quote| '''[[The Nostalgia Chick (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Chick]]:''' My, that scary old witch sure has an amazing rack...}}
* [[Green Thumb]]: Perfuma
* [[Guttural Growler]]: Shadow Weaver.
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** Sea Hawk goes from pirate aiding [[The Empire]] to pirate aiding [[La Résistance]].
* [[The High Queen]]: Angella.
* [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword]]: Adora, so much.
* [[Hot Mom]]: Queen Angella, again.
* [[Hurricane of Puns]]: Well she ''is'' He-Man's sister.
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* [[Lady of War]]: She-Ra.
* [[La Résistance]]: She-Ra leads "The Great Rebellion" against Hordak's forces.
* [[Large Ham]]: Hordak. His snarling, guttural growl is clearly meant to contrast with [[He -Man and Thethe Masters of Thethe Universe|Skeletor's]] high, needling cackle. It ended up giving him quite a few scenery-chewing scenes.
* [[Loves My Alter Ego]]: Bow has a crush on She-Ra but ignores Adora. Sea Hawk has a crush on Adora but merely respects She-Ra as a fellow warrior.
* [[Magical Girl]]: Most of the women in said Great Rebellion had this in some form or other.
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* [[Master of Illusion]]: Bow
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Almost everyone's names come from their powers and abilities.
* [[Mecha -Mooks]]: The Horde Troopers, sometimes. The series varied between treating them as armoured soldiers (and major jerks), or as (poorly programmed) combat robots.
* [[Merchandise-Driven]]
* [[Mini-Dress of Power]]
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* [[Most Common Superpower]].
* [[Never Be a Hero]]
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: Bow bears a strong resemblance to [[Errol Flynn]] from ''[[The Adventures of Robin Hood (Filmfilm)|The Adventures of Robin Hood]]''. The fact that he's an [[The Archer|archer]] just adds to the allusion.
* [[Opening Narration]]: It's is almost identical to the one from He-Man, ''except'' that every place He-Man says "power," She-Ra says something different. E.g., "Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me" -> "Fabulous secrets were revealed to me"; ... "By the power of Grayskull!" -> "For the honor of Grayskull!"; ... "I have the poweeeeer!" -> "I am She-Raaaaa!"; ... "I became He-Man, the most powerful man in the universe" -> omitted entirely. Insert feminist rant here.
** In the Latino American version, she keeps the "By the Power of Greyskull" chant.
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'''Hordak:''' Yes... an uncomfortable one! }}
* [[Pretty in Mink]]: Some of the toys had fur-trimmed outfits.
* [[Raised Byby Orcs]]: Adora, who was raised by the Horde.
* [[Real Life Writes the Plot]]: Crossed with [[Merchandise-Driven]]; originally, as with the comics, Catra was meant to be the [[Big Bad]] in the cartoon. Hordak and the Evil Horde were toys made for the boys-oriented Masters of the Universe toyline. But because Filmation was wrapping up their production of He-Man cartoons at the time they started She-Ra, the Horde was too late for that cartoon (only being hinted at in the episode "The Origin of the Sorceress"), but right on time for She-Ra. So instead of the cartoon taking the route of the mini-comics, which were often stereotypical romance-driven action plots with Catra and She-Ra vying over Bow, viewers were treated to a more traditional action show where the lead character was an action hero who just happened to be female, rebelling against a villain who had already conquered the world.
* [[The Revolution Will Not Be Vilified]]: The Great Rebellion, '''so very much.'''
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Angella, the Queen of Bright Moon, and her daughter Princess Glimmer are the leaders of the Great Rebellion. Queen Castaspella is a magic-wielding royal on the side of good. And of course there's Adora, who has the advantage of acknowledging being a Princess of Eternia and ''not'' having to employ [[Obfuscating Stupidity]] like her [[He -Man and Thethe Masters of Thethe Universe|brother]] Adam.
* [[Seers]]: Peek-A-Blue
* [[Separated Atat Birth]]: Adam and Adora, as shown in the pilot, making her his [[Long-Lost Relative|Long Lost Twin]].
* [[Shadow Archetype]]: Castaspella and Shadow Weaver were friends before the latter was brought to the Dark Side.
* [[Showgirl Skirt]]: The "Ready In Red" outfit could be word like a cape or this.
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* [[Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth]]: Perfuma turns out to be this when captured by the Horde. Listen to her voice for 30 seconds, and you'll begin to understand why spending a day with her would be a bit much.
* [[Transformation Name Announcement]]: "I am She-Ra!"
* [[Transformation Sequence]]: Adora to She-Ra. Unsurprisingly on a show geared to appeal to girls, this one is flashier and [[Everything's Better Withwith Sparkles|sparklier]] than He-Man's. It's also considered one of the [[Visual Effects of Awesome|crowning visual effects]] on the series.
* [[Tyke Bomb]]: Adora
* [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]]: Adora had this with Sea Hawk, who snogged her ''twice'' in one episode. She even deliberately locked herself behind bars (after performing several rescues as She-Ra) so that he could bust in and carry her out over his shoulder. But the relationship never went anywhere.