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* ''[[The Princess Bride (film)|The Princess Bride]]'' has three Will Come For Me moments.
** A variation while Buttercup is held prisoner by the Man in Black.
{{quote| '''Buttercup:''' No matter where you take me, there's no greater hunter than Prince Humperdinck. He could track a falcon on a cloudy day. He can find you.}}
** While Buttercup is waiting for Westley to come take her away.
{{quote| '''Buttercup:''' Any word from Westley?<br />
'''Humperdinck:''' Too soon, my angel. Patience.<br />
'''Buttercup:''' He will come for me. }}
** A third variation, at the wedding.
{{quote| '''Buttercup:''' ''(hearing the sounds of fighting)'' Here comes my Westley now.}}
** Of course in the end, Westley doesn't show up on time, causing Buttercup to almost have a [[Heroic BSOD]]: "He didn't come..." Then he shows up after all, late for the wedding but [[Just in Time]] to face Humperdinck in the bedroom.
* Chase Meridian makes a comment about Batman coming to save her in ''[[Batman Forever]]''. Riddler replies that he's counting on it.
* [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] in ''[[Superman Returns]]'':
{{quote| '''Lex:''' [[Genre Savvy|No, not that, the other thing. C’mon, I know it’s just dangling off the tip of your tongue. Let me hear it just once, please?]]<br />
'''Lois:''' Superman will stop y--<br />
'''Lex:''' WRONG! }}
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* ''[[Angel]]'': When Cordelia is trapped in the Pylea dimension.
{{quote| "I have friends back in LA. They're gonna come rescue me. Any time now."}}
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'': I know there are moments with the [[Genre Savvy]] Scoobies under threat but certain that Buffy Will Come For Them. I just can't think of examples off the top of my head.
** Spike says it repeatedly over the Season 7 episodes ''Bring on the Night'' and ''Showtime.''
{{quote| '''Spike:''' ''(whispering)'' [[Survival Mantra|She will come for me... She will come for me... She will come for me...]]<br />
''' {{spoiler|Buffy/The First Evil:}}'' ... No I won't. }}
** When held captive by Glory, Dawn insists repeatedly that Buffy is going to save her.
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* In ''[[Fatal Frame]] 2'', a flashback to [[Big Bad|Sae]] and Yae's attempted escape from the village shows Sae thinking this while she is in captivity.
{{quote| '''Sae:''' Yae will come back for me...she ''will''...}}
* In ''[[Solatorobo]]'', The Kurvaz capture Elh to use as bait to make Red [[Hostage for Macguffin|turn over the medallion]], but Elh says that won't work because {{spoiler|she betrayed him, tried to sacrifice him in the Rite of Forfeit, and}} he won't come. {{spoiler|He does, though.}}
* In ''[[Dragon Age]]'', when {{spoiler|the Warden and Alistair are captured by Ser Cauthrien and taken to Fort Drakon}}, you get the option to either break out yourself or wait for help--and you can specify which two party members (except for {{spoiler|Shale}}) come to break you out, even if they don't like each other...or if they don't like ''you''.