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[[File:sheamus003.jpg|frame|[[Oireland|Born with a 24-carat gold horseshoe up his arse.]]]]
'''[[Sheamus]]''' (Stephen Farrelly) is an Irish professional wrestler. He is signed with WWE and competes on the [[Smack Down]] brand. He is also the current World Heavyweight Champion.
=== '''Tropes associated with Sheamus include:''' ===
* [[Aborted Arc]]: Right after his [[Heel Face Turn]], it looked like Sheamus was setting up for a pretty good feud with uber monster heel [[Mark Henry]]. But [[The Big Show]]'s return from injury torpedoed the storyline and we never got to see them go after it in a real, intense feud.
* [[Adored Byby the Network]] / [[Screwed Byby the Network]]: Apparently his bi-polar booking could be attributed to being well liked by [[Stephanie McMahon]] and [[Triple H]] and not being liked at all by producer Kevin Dunn.
* [[Arch Enemy]]: [[John Cena]], [[Triple H]], [[Christian]]
* [[Ascended Meme]]/[[Brick Joke]]: More a meme coming full circle. After Edge called him Beaker one night, the IWC took it and ran with it. However, during the Halloween episode of ''Raw,'' it came back full circle when the Muppets were hosting. After Beaker was bullied by Christian, and Christian was run off by Sheamus, Sheamus told Beaker he wasn't gonna be able to make it to the family reunion this year.
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* [[Badass Beard]]
* [[Badass Long Robe]]: As King Sheamus.
* [[The Berserker]]
* [[Berserk Button]]: Don't slap the guy. Or spit on him, for that matter.
* [[Big "What?"]]: His somewhat understandable verbatim reaction to John Laurinaitis fining him $500,000. Most of the reasonable commentators agreed that, while punishment for his actions <ref>i.e. blowing his top and kicking a ref in the face after a bad call</ref> was warranted, the fine amount was a ''bit'' [[Disproportionate Retribution|over the top]], given the situation.
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** He won the Royal Rumble, so we will see him as one of the co-main eventers at WrestleMania, fella!
*** Ironically, he faced Daniel Bryan for the championship.
* [[Determinator]]: He lost a match to Rusev, {{spoiler| which cost him the United States Title}}, by passing out during Rusev's ''The Accolade''.
* [[Evil Redhead]]: [[Heel Face Turn|Ditto]]
* [[Executive Meddling]]: The rumored reason for Sheamus's Demotion to Extra is that WWE executive producer Kevin Dunn doesn't care for him as a person.
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* [[Fatal Flaw]]: His [[Hair-Trigger Temper]] gets him in trouble from time to time. He's been DQ'ed or counted out of several matches. Not to mention getting fined an impossibly high amount of money in storyline for kicking a ref in the face. (And this has all been during his Face run.)
* [[Fighting Irish]]
* [[Fiery Redhead]] : He isn't a person you don't want to make mad.
* [[Finishing Move]]: The Brogue Kick, High Cross Powerbomb and White Noise (Over The Shoulder Back to Belly piledriver).
* [[Five Moves of Doom]]: Perhaps not exactly ''five'', but he does have a set of signature moves that one usually sees through the match. His middle rope-assisted strikes to the chest, a flying (top rope) or vaulting (ring apron) shoulder block, running powerslam, Irish Curse (modified Ura-nage backbreaker), and the Brogue Kick. Depending on the size of the opponent, he may add or substitute the High (or Celtic? No one can seem to decide) Cross Powerbomb.
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* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Was an IT technician before he was a wrestler.
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: Part and parcel of being the stereotypical [[Fiery Redhead]].
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Performed one to fight [[Mark Henry]]. [[Redemption Promotion|Came with a quite a few]] [[Took a Level Inin Badass|levels in]] [[Badass]].
* [[Heroic Albino]]: As a face. Before that, he was an [[Evil Albino]], naturally.
* [[I Hate Past Me]]: Admits that he became a [[Not So Different|bully]].
* [[Improbable Hairstyle]]: He wrestles while sporting...ShounenHair?
* [[This Index Is Cursed|Irish Curse]]: One of his signature moves, and a former [[Red Baron]] from before he came to WWE.
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* [[Red Baron]]: The Celtic Warrior and The Great White.
* [[Redemption Promotion]]: His recent [[Heel Face Turn]] ''completely reverted'' his [[Badass Decay]] to the point he beat the Great Khali, who'd been on the warpath as of late, and ''forced his way out of the [[Finishing Move|Khali Vicegrip]] through sheer brute strength!'' He '''overpowered''' Khali! '''TWICE!!!'''
* [[Shout -Out]]: Has recently started using a finisher that was used by his spiritual predecessor, Dave "Fit" Finlay, in WWE for a number of years.
* {{spoiler|[[Squash Match]]: How he won his World Heavyweight at [[Wrestlemania]] 28. It took all of 18 seconds.}}
* [[Underwear of Power]]
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* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Has been called out on a couple of occasions for his rather liberal use of the Brogue Kick. First, he {{spoiler|kicked [[Daniel Bryan]] in the head, while the latter was turning around to get a good-luck kiss from his girlfriend.}} Yes, {{spoiler|[[Daniel Bryan]]}} was a dick, but it was rather unsporting. Then, he does something very similar to a returning [[Alberto Del Rio]] the next day. ''[[Corrupt Corporate Executive|Johnny Laurinaitis]]'' of all people calls him out on it. But when Sheamus loses the match because of a bad call by the ref, he proceeds to kick the ref in the face, too. Really?
* [[When He Smiles]]: As a face, Sheamus does ''a lot of'' smiling. Not [[Slasher Smile]] either, honest-to-goodness happy smiling. It makes him look so friendly.
* [[Writer Onon Board]]: Although it's never once been brought up in [[Kayfabe]], he and [[Triple H]] share a friendly personal relationship, which some point to as the reason he was pushed so heavily so soon after his arrival. <ref>Reportedly [[Chris Jericho]] was meant to win the 2012 Royal Rumble, but [[Triple H]]'s influence spurred creative to give Sheamus the victory.</ref> Although, at the same time, his face run has gotten over rather swimmingly with the fans.
** Swimmingly, of course, until he {{spoiler|[[Kayfabe|decided]] to cheap-shot [[Bryan Danielson|Daniel Bryan]] with a [[One-Hit Kill|Brogue Kick]] after Bryan had a moment with his girlfriend in order to [[Squash Match|win the World Heavyweight Championship in 18 seconds]], causing a [[Internet Backdraft|pro-Bryan and anti-Sheamus shitstorm]] in Miami and all over the internet.}}
*** Which, of course, he was [[Mis BlamedMisblamed]] for. Research into the matter will reveal that even though Sheamus was booked to win the match anyway, emphasis on later matches (such as [[John Cena|Cena]]/[[Dwayne Johnson|Rock]] and [[The Undertaker]]/Triple H) and a last-minute decision to attempt to beat a completely pointless Wrestlemania 'record' few people knew about <ref>that being the shortest Wrestlemania match</ref> caused the match to be booked in the way it was.
That's Sheamus, fella.
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