Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne/Characters: Difference between revisions

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== Humans and Manikins ==
=== Main Character ===
[[File:Demi185_9520Demi185 9520.jpg|frame]]
The protagonist of ''Nocturne''. His human name is up to the player. He's known as the Demi-Fiend around the game (The Hito-Shura in the Japanese Version).
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=== Yuko Takao ===
[[File:Yuko185_6666Yuko185 6666.jpg|frame]]
A teacher at the high school that the main character attends.
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=== Chiaki Hayasaka/Tachibana ===
[[File:Chiaki185_9826Chiaki185 9826.jpg|frame]]
A classmate of the main character.
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=== Isamu Nitta ===
[[File:Isamu185_5776Isamu185 5776.jpg|frame]]
A classmate of the main character.
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=== Hikawa ===
[[File:Hikawa185_4608Hikawa185 4608.jpg|frame]]
Chief Technical Director of a large communications company called Cybers, and a high-ranking officer of the Gaea cult.
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=== Jyoji Hijiri{{spoiler|1=/[[Shin Megami Tensei II|Aleph]]}} ===
[[File:Hijiri185_1447Hijiri185 1447.jpg|frame]]
A writer for an occult magazine.
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=== Dante ===
[[File:Dante_Nocturne_783Dante Nocturne 783.jpg|frame]]
The protagonist of the ''[[Devil May Cry]]'' series appears in the game as a guest character.
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Dante is an accomplished practitioner of demon-slaying. His business of hunting devils shares the same name as his series. Wielding his custom twin handguns "Ebony & Ivory" and the large sword "Rebellion", no demon is safe from him. Dante is also half-demon himself, however he uses his demonic powers for protecting humanity. Though he often acts cocky and can be quite a smartass, he hates evil with a burning passion.
Somehow he's found his way into the Vortex World by mysterious means. He often appears to the Demi-fiend to challenge him to battle (he's classified as a Fiend and thus is in possession of a candelabra needed to advance deeper into the Kalpas). Of course, it turns out he's most definitely not on Lucifer's side. If the Demi-fiend manages to enter the Fifth Kalpa, Dante will offer to join up with him... and won't budge until you say yes. Dante will then flip a coin--ifcoin—if it's heads, you'll only have to pay him 1 Macca to hire him. If tails, then he will take half of your Macca. {{spoiler|It's always heads, due to it being a double-sided coin}}. When all is said and done, Dante will join your party's ranks, regardless of Demi-fiend's alignment or level.
In ''Chronicle Edition'' Dante is replaced by Raidou Kuzunoha the 14th.
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=== Raidou Kuzunoha the 14th ===
[[File:RKvKA-RaidouKuzunoha_3812RaidouKuzunoha 3812.jpg|frame]]
Dante's replacement in the Japan-only release, ''Chronicle Edition''.
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[[Category:Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne]]
