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=== This series contains examples of: ===
* [[Abusing the Kardashev Scale For Fun Andand Profit]]: Sholans (really, the Alliance as a whole) probably rank as a high Type I. The Valtegans are around the same level.
** The {{spoiler|Camarilla}} is at least a mid-level Class II; they have the capability of {{spoiler|not only opening instantaneous-travel portals through space, but ''time'' as well}}. While they do bemoan the energy expenditure required for this, they are further stated to be capable of {{spoiler|using this technology to transport their '''planet''' to another suitable star system, albeit by forcing its current sun to go supernova and harnessing the energy it produces in the process to fuel the transport.}}
* [[Action Mom]]: Carrie FTW.
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* [[Anti-Hero]] / [[Anti-Villain]]: It's been brought up recently in the fan club discussion that General Kezule is all over this.
* [[Anyone Can Die]]: Almost. But several major characters Have joined their ancestors.
* [[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence]]: {{spoiler|Vartra}} gets this.
** Even if he was a mere mortal during {{spoiler|Fire Margins}}.
*** That's sort of the point, though.
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* [[But I Can't Be Pregnant]]: Pretty much every mixed Leska pair and/or gene-altered telepath or Brother/Sister experiences this at least once.
** {{spoiler|Inverted for Mara for... unusual reasons.}}
* [[Call a Rabbit Aa Smeerp]]: On Keiss, Kusac brings down a long legged animal that Guynor calls a ''rhakla''. Carrie calls it a deer. As a native of a distant colony planet, it is neither.
** Jeggets also are frequently described as being like ferrets with bushy tails.
* [[Carnivore Confusion]]: Sholans are feline omnivores with a preference for meat.
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* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Kaid, full stop.
** T'Chebbi, Rezac, and Zashou as well, but none to the same extent as Kaid.
* [[Deal Withwith the Devil]]: Only in this series, it's called making a pact with the Liege of Hell.
* [[Designer Babies]]: The Valtegans steal samples from our captive heroes and use them to create Human/Sholan hybrid cubs, which they then place in growth tanks to quickly age them to about 10 years old.
* [[Did They or Didn't They?]]: Readers have to frequently speculate as to whether or not a couple of characters have had sex or not. The author cleverly keeps mum about it, leaving it up to the readers to decide for themselves.
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* [[Doorstopper]]: The first book came in at under 300 pages. From the second book on, they average over 650 pages.
* [[Double Entendre]]: There are some instances of this in the series, although not so many you feel overwhelmed by it.
* [[Duel to Thethe Death]]: Sholans still practice this. Bare handed yet. Remember: 200+ pound felines.
** Several duels are fought during the series. {{spoiler|Most end in the death of the challenger, one way or another.}}
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]: The heroes in this series go through A LOT. Once in a while the author [[Throw the Dog Aa Bone|throws them a bone]], only to [[Yank the Dog's Chain|snatch it away again]]. Hopefully by the end, they'll hit the [[Karmic Jackpot]].
* [[Enemy Civil War]]: Turns out the Valtegans were really in the middle of one.
* [[The Empath]]: Lots of them. The [[Telepathy|telepaths]] don't count here.
* [[The Empire]]: The above-mentioned war turns out to be two of four Valtegan home planets. The other two are much less warlike.
* [[The End of the World Asas We Know It]]: Some Sholans believe this will happen with the introduction of the Humans to their society, but a much more drastic version of this trope is hovering over the heads of just about everyone while [[The Omniscient Council of Vagueness|The Chessmasters]] play their games.
** It already happened '''for real''' to 2 Sholan colony worlds just before the opening of the first book.
*** {{spoiler|It happens again in the sixth book. All three are courtesy of the [[Ax Crazy]] M'Zullians and their [[Weapon of Mass Destruction|stolen weapon system]].}}
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* [[Humans Are Special]]: Things really start cookin' in the Alliance when the Sholans discover them on Keiss. Watch out, universe!
** {{spoiler|Humans are not merely a Loose Cannon, but an entire ''Loose Artillery Battalion'' variable in the Camarilla's schemes and calculations}}.
* [[Humans Are Psychic in Thethe Future]]: Human telepaths weren't recognized until the Terrans met the Sholans, a certain percentage of which have psi abilities.
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: In the eighth book, the Sholan military has recently introduced a mecha called the MUTAC. (Think multi-ton quadruped-x-biped powered armor. Design is based on the feline Sholan.) It even appears on the cover of the eighth book.
* [[I Can't Believe It's Not Heroin!]]: Both strong '''coffee''' and, apparently, small amounts of ordinary '''chocolate''' will do strange things to Sholans.
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* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: Numerous new characters get introduced with each new book.
* [[Loads and Loads of Races]]: Over a dozen listed on a star map in one book.
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: Hooo boy.... Played with and pretty much [[Zig -Zagging Trope|Zig-Zagged]]. Mostly inverted.
** Inverted with Kaid and Dzaka.
*** Kaid does everything he can to avoid letting Dzaka know that he is Kaid's son. (There's a '''VERY''' good reason.)
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** Sword-Brother Oaths.
* [[Pregnant Badass]]: Carrie. Full stop.
** Let's review; fights and wins a [[Duel to Thethe Death]], (Loses the baby due to injuries sustained in the fight) Goes off time travelling, Escapes from captivity on an alien starship...
* [[Prehensile Tail]]: Sholans get a weak version. They can wrap it around a leg or wrist, but not do anything truly useful with it.
* [[Psychic Powers]]: [[Telepathy|Telepaths]] make up most of the major cast.
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** In no particular order, they are the Litanies for Pain, Relaxation, Fear (inspired by the one from [[Dune]]), Clear Thought, and Preparation. They're never actually spelled out within the narrative, and in fact weren't more than named/mentioned until the seventh book in the series, where they were included on otherwise blank pages between chapters, spaced throughout the book.
*** Side-note: they were actually written by members of the books' fan club.
* [[Technopath]]: Thanks to having been [[Touched Byby Vorlons]], Kusac develops this.
* [[Time Travel]]: To an almost ludicrously headache-inducing level. Luckily, it's all a [[Stable Time Loop]] over 1500 years across, and not a [[Timey-Wimey Ball]]... {{spoiler|At first.}}
* [[Time Travel Tense Trouble]]: "I have a daughter alive in the past!" Unfortunately, someone rather brutally points out that, since she's in the very distant past, she's also been dead for ''millennia'', and there's nothing he can do.
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* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Telepaths can't fight. So why, during the '''First''' book, does Kusac challenge someone?
** Apparently, his Link with Carrie gave him a boost and some incentive.
* [[Touched Byby Vorlons]]: Kusac gets some of this in Stronghold Rising and it finally surfaces in Between Darkness and Light.
** {{spoiler|Vartra himself seems to have gotten a little of this. or maybe it's because he IS a God.}}
* [[Training From Hell]]: Kaid is an expert at this, and applies it to friends (Kusac) and enemies (under duress) quite expertly.
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*** Carrie is a pro at [[Obfuscating Stupidity]] as shown in Turning Point when she avoids Valtegan scrutiny in a bar raid.
* [[You Can't Fight Fate]]: Although all our main characters, especially Kaid, try to at some point or another.
* [[Zig -Zagging Trope]]: Related to [[Luke, I Am Your Father]] above with Josh and Mara's cub. She's pregnant but won't reveal the father's identity.
* We keep finding more...