Shoot the Shaggy Dog/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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'''Basic Trope''': A story's entire plot is rendered redundant by the protagonist's death.
* '''Straight''': Alice spends an hour and a half of screen time trying to find the owner of a lost shaggy dog, only to be shot for trespassing.
* '''Exaggerated''': Alice embarks on [[The Hero's Journey]], completing an epic quest to defeat the [[Big Bad]]. When she turns up at his unholy palace for the final confrontation... she's shot by a low-ranking guard.
* '''Downplayed''': A story about an [[Pinball Protagonist|aimless]], [[Death Seeker|self-destructive]] [[Walking the Earth|drifter]], who gets mixed up with dangerous criminals for want of anything else to do, ends up with him dying pointlessly, alone and unmourned.
* '''Justified''': Recklessness is Alice's [[Fatal Flaw]], and there's been a lot of [[Foreshadowing]] that if she doesn't overcome it, it will be her undoing.
** The story is the first in a trilogy, and Alice is a [[Decoy Protagonist]]. Her [[Bumbling Sidekick]], forced to [[Took a Level Inin Badass|Take a Level in Badass]] in the sequel, is ultimately the real hero.
* '''Inverted''': A [[How We Got Here]], [[Dead to Begin With]] story told via [[Posthumous Narration]] turns out to have been a [[Mind Screw]] from the start; the narrator survived his "death", and it was all part of a devious [[Thanatos Gambit]].
* '''Subverted''': The protagonist comes back from his apparent death to complete his goals before dying of his wounds.
* '''Double Subverted''': The protagonist comes back from his apparent death, takes down a few [[Mooks]], and is taken down in a hail of gunfire. This time, they [[Make Sure He's Dead]].
* '''Parodied''': The protagonist unexpectedly dies... and there's a [[Fade to Black]], with [[No Ending]].
* '''Zig Zagged''': The hero dies... but he [[Can't Stop the Signal|managed to get a message off first!]] [[The Cavalry]] charge in to save the day... and are killed by [[Colony Drop]]. But the hero was [[Not Quite Dead]], and that distraction has given him the time to slink off to destroy the [[Artifact of Doom]]. He's caught by [[The Dragon]], who shoots him unceremoniously. [[The End - or Is It?]] The [[Bolivian Army Ending|final shot]] is of a timer slowly ticking down on a digital display inside the [[Big Bad]]'s throne room...
* '''Averted''': The protagonist survives, or at least accomplishes something meaningful [[The Hero Dies|before dying]].
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* '''Discussed''': ???
* '''Conversed''': "Wait, he's dead? What was the point of that?"
* '''Played For Laughs''': It's a [[Black Comedy]] with a [[Carnival of Killers]] in [[Four Lines, All Waiting]]. Every storyline ends with the meaningless death of its protagonist. (Why yes, [[Guy Ritchie]] ''did'' direct it, how did you know?)
* '''Plotted A Good Waste''': It's an action movie with an [[Excuse Plot]] that sets the hero up to extricate himself from a devious [[Bond Villain Stupidity]]-esque death trap. With that out of the way, all the audience wants now is for the plot to be wrapped up neatly so they can go home. So at the very end, [[The Dragon]], who asked his boss at the very beginning "[[Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him]]", Just Shoots Him. ''Fin''.
Back to [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]
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<!-- %%* '''Played For Drama''': ???
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