Shooting Stars: Difference between revisions

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[[File:ShootingStars.jpg|frame|From left to right: Vic Reeves, Mark Lamarr, Bob Mortimer, and Ulrika Jonsson.]]
{{quote| ''"I've been on some loony shows in my time, but this one takes the cake."'' <br />
'''[[I Dream of Jeannie|Larry Hagman]]''', after appearing on the show in 2002. }}
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* [[Amusing Injuries]]: to Vic Reeves.
* [[Biggus Dickus]]:
{{quote| '''Bob''': "Love me for a reason, and let the reason be...?"<br />
'''Ulrika''': "Love."<br />
'''Bob''': "No, my thirty-seven-and-a-half inch penis." }}
* [[Blatant Lies]]: The show used to be introduced with a narrator giving these as 'facts' about the celebrity contestants. Also a lot of the question answers: getting Vic and Bob's true or false questions right is a matter of pure luck.
{{quote| '''Bob:''' True or false: [[Bill Cosby]] was the first black man ever.<br />
'''Ulrika:''' False.<br />
'''Bob:''' Yes, of course it's false: it was [[Sidney Poitier]]. }}
* [[British Accents]]: As on Vic and Bob's other shows, a common gag is to give incongruous Geordie accents to characters you wouldn't expect to have them.