Got married on my twenty first
Eight months before my wife would give birth
It's easier to be sure you love someone
When her father inquires with the barrel of a gun
Relient K, Deathbed

Here comes the bride, the groom by her side, feeling very sorry for himself.
He tried to run, but I stopped him with my gun, he's going to marry her, or else.
Chad Morgan, Shotgun Wedding

Yeah, and your family's got the shotgun ready
I can hear those church bells chime
No, I may not be ready for a wedding, honey

But I know that I ain't ready to die
Kevin Fowler, "Knocked Up"

Grilka(giving Quark Klingon wedding ritual costume): Put this on
Grilka:Because if you do not, I will kill you.
Deep Space Nine, The House of Quark