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*** The Cavalier and Thief-Acrobat are based on the AD&D v1.5 classes of the same name.
** The ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' setting has its share. Including [ this]:
{{quote| '''[[Word of God]]:''' Interestingly, Nimbrese have no word for "Wood" or "Forest," because, despite some open meadows and cleared farmlands, they regard all of Nimbral as a place of trees.<br />
So, in essence, "''[[Ursula K. Le Guin|The Word for World Is Forest]]''" (or vice versa), right? }}
** The Dungeonmaster's Guide for 4th edition points out how jarring it would be for the characters to meet [[Monty Python and The Holy Grail|Tim the Enchanter]] in most fantasy settings.
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* ''[[Brikwars]]'' has a lot, including ''[[Indiana Jones]]'', ''[[Romeo and Juliet]]'', ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'', and ''[[James Bond]]''.
* In the revised Nosferatu clanbook of ''[[Vampire: The Masquerade]]'' there is a section entitled "Interview with a Vampire," set in New Orleans, wherein a Nosferatu confronts an unnamed author of vampire books, asking:
{{quote| "[[The Vampire Chronicles|Killing humans onstage in Paris? Vampire rock stars?]] What the hell were you thinking?"}}
** As well as:
{{quote| "[[Looks Like Orlok|Who were you expecting]]? [[Interview with the Vampire|Brad Pitt]]?"}}
** Then there's the Revised core book, which opens with, "[[wikipedia:Bauhaus (band)|Bela Lugosi's dead]], and so am I."
*** Speaking of Bela Lugosi, ''Los Angeles By Night'' has a Malkavian called "Bela" under the delusion that he's Dracula--and he was Embraced in the year of Lugosi's [[Real Life]] death, by a "fan."
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** Alchemicals are often killed in spectacular ways such as being "[[The Terminator|immersed in molten steel]]".
** A Lunar Charm, Glance-Oration Technique, can be used to speak to people using body language alone.
{{quote| This is especially useful when a Lunar finds human form imprudent, but wants to tell someone that [...] her [[Timmy in a Well|child is trapped in a collapsed mineshaft]].}}
** The Lunars book also makes mention of the fact that some Lunars "view the benefits of Exaltation as tools for [[Dungeons and Dragons|killing enemies and taking their stuff]], [[Take That|rather than for building some sort of utopia.]]"
** There's a city mentioned in the Underworld book called Graf-Vindak. The Graff Vynda-K was a one-off villain from the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' serial "The Ribos Operation".