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[[Real Life|In the United States military and political realm an office wall with awards and pictures of the individual with famous or higher-ranking persons is known as an "I Love Me" wall]]. The etiquette is generally that your "I Love Me" Wall should be in a reasonably private location (like your house), not shoved into the face of all passers-by ([[My Space|unless you're on the Internet]]). In the extras on the [[Top Gun]] DVD, one of the military advisors opines that Viper's "I Love Me" wall in his house is unrealistic, because he has a wife and kids, which (in his opinion) tends to rapidly reduce the "I Love Me" Wall to an "I Love Me" corner, and finally to an "I Love Me" shoebox in the attic...
Compare [[Stalker Shrine]], [[House of Broken Mirrors]] and [[Kitsch Collection]]. Often a [[Sub -Trope]] of [[Room Full of Crazy]]. [[Egopolis]] is basically a city or country-sized [[Shrine to Self]].
The superhero/villain version of this is [[Superhero Trophy Shelf]].
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* [[Alpha Bitch|Libby]] of ''[[Sabrina the Teenage Witch (TV)|Sabrina the Teenage Witch]]'' has her bedroom wall plastered with gold-framed glamour shots of herself, plus [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas|one photo of her grandma]].
* On ''[[Strangers With Candy]]'', Flatpoint High is full of pictures of Principal Blackman, from paper towels to school jackets, and students can be seen working on art projects of him. At one point he has his secretary accompany him on the bongos while he makes an announcement, which we see being delivered from a classroom portrait with flashing eye-holes... [[Hypocritical Humor|to warn the students off joining a cult]].
* In the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' series three finale, when the Master has been ruling the world for a year, we see at least one giant statue of him, and Martha mentions he's [[Rushmore Refacement|had his face put on Mt. Rushmore]].
* One [[Monster of the Week]] in [[Reaper]] was a man who was so narcissistic that he ran a sperm donor clinic, and [[Squick|gave his own sperm to anyone requesting.]] The entire time he was on-screen, he was checking himself out in strategically placed mirrors. When off-screen, Sam and his friends were incredibly disturbed by the nude self portrait that the man was in progress with.
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** And painted or sculpted all of them himself. He's his own favorite, and apparently ''only'', artistic subject. Even when confronted with a perfectly sculpted statue, he says "You got the nose all wrong!" and slaps a clay copy of his nose onto the statue, then proclaims "''Now'' it's art!"
* In ''[[Storm Hawks]]'', while briefly in charge of Cyclonia, Snipe had the walls and roof of the throne chamber covered end to end in murals of himself.
* Zapp Brannigan's boudoir in ''[[Futurama]]'' is full of pictures of himself, including a portrait of himself in the same pose as Aaron Shinkler's [http://en.[ F Kennedy Official Portrait.jpg |famous painting of John F. Kennedy]].
** Said portrait was positioned right over his own bed, making it look like Zap was watching himself sleep...making the scene extra creepy...
* ''[[Jimmy Two-Shoes]]'': [[Satan|Lucius']] mansion is filled with portriats of himself.
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[[Category:Shrine To Self]]