Sick, Sad Subculture of the Week: Difference between revisions

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Episodes of a [[Crime and Punishment Series]] focusing on a particular subculture. [[Did Not Do the Research|Accuracy is optional]], as the only research that goes into the episode is [[Ripped from the Headlines|reading the paper]]...especially when [[Cowboy Bebop at His Computer|even the paper wasn't right]]. This is also common on [[Medical Drama|Medical Dramas]] with the subculture having a connection to the [[Patient of the Week]].
The most important aspect of this trope is how the subcultures are ''always'' presented in a horrifically stereotyped manner. They aren't just [[Acceptable Targets|average people with non-mainstream interests]]. Rather, they are [[Straw Loser|total creeps with no social skills unrelated to their hobby]], which dominates their whole lives. For example, if it's a sexual subculture, they'll wear fetish gear to the supermarket and make inappropriate come-ons to the main character. If it's gamers ([[Video Games]] or [[Tabletop Games]]), they'll play to the point of addiction, [[Basement Dweller|live with their parents]] well into their 30's, possibly [[Murder Simulators|imitate the violence they commit in the game]], and are probably [[Nerds Are Virgins|virgins]]. If it's [[Useful Notes/Neo-Paganism|Neo-Pagans]], they'll wear ridiculous Goth or New Age clothing and talk about casting spells and "cursing" people they don't like. To ''real'' people within these subcultures, the misconceptions and poor research on these shows can be either a source of [[Snark Bait]] or a [[Berserk Button]].