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* Barely averted in both the first and second ''[[The Godfather (Film)|Godfather]]'' films. In the first Michael Corleone arrives to find the police guards have been 'reassigned'. He gets a nurse to move his father's bed to another room, then bluffs the killers by standing outside (with a friend) and sliding a hand inside his coat when the carload of killers turn up. In the second film the hitman, having distracted the nurses, is about to press a pillow over the patient's face when a squad of Cuban soldiers, who have been tipped off about the hit, march in and shoot him.
* The climax of the film ''[[US Marshals]]''.
* Elle Driver disguises herself as [[Hello, Nurse!|a nurse]] and attempts to do this to The Bride in the first volume of ''[[Kill Bill]]''. Fortunately Bill calls at the last minute and cancels the hit.
* Bethany from ''[[Dogma]]'' saves "existence" by doing this.
** {{spoiler|''God''}}
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* In ''[[The Pretender]]'' Miss Parker is sent to kill {{spoiler|Sydney's twin Jacob}}, who was in a persistent vegetative state after {{spoiler|a car [[Make It Look Like an Accident|accident]] caused by him wanting to leave The Centre. She [[Faking the Dead|faked his murder]] with Sydney's help.}} In a later episode {{spoiler|this was found out, which lead to sweepers were sent in to [[Killed Off for Real|do the job properly]]. They did not arrive on time.}}
* After being shot, ''[[The Mentalist]]'''s Bosco nearly died this way. Luckily, his [[Action Girl]] friend/co-worker/one true love, Teresa Lisbon manages to stop the shooter in a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]. {{spoiler|Poor Bosco dies anyway, but at least he and Lisbon get to have their [[Anguished Declaration of Love]] before he does.}}
* In ''[[Boardwalk Empire]]'', one of the gangsters attacked in the first episode turns out not to have been killed by Jimmy and Al and turns up badly wounded. Since Nucky is afraid he will start talking and name names, he arranges things so that his brother will smother the guy with a pillow while pretending to question him. This plan is interrupted by the FBI, but things don't go better for the patient after that, as the [[Knight Templar]] Agent Van Allen tortures him for information via [[Open -Heart Dentistry]], and he dies after giving up information.
* In episode 6 of ''[[The Shadow Line (TV)|The Shadow Line]]'', this almost happens to {{spoiler|Gatehouse}} when he's in hospital after {{spoiler|being shot by Glickman}}. However, he's able to overpower and kill his assassin and escape.
* Attempted on ''[[Angel (TV)|Angel]]'', though for revenge rather than to silence someone.
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