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[[File:siege002_dc11_lr_0001_02_4499.jpg|frame|To be... or not to be.]]
The [[Marvel Comics]] [[Crisis Crossover]] from late 2009/early 2010, following [[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]], [[Secret Invasion]] and [[Dark Reign (Comic Bookcomics)|Dark Reign]]. In his final days as a world power, [[Norman Osborn]] has launched a mass invasion of the now Earthbound kingdom of Asgard, forcing the heroes to work together once again to stop him, once and for all.
=== ''Siege'' provides examples of: ===
* [[American Robot]]: Iron Patriot.
* [[And the Adventure Continues...]]: Siege was the end of the ''Mighty Avengers'' comic book. The team had dispersed, and only Henry Pym and Jocasta stayed at the mansion to deal with Ultron. They get rid of him, just in time to join the battle in Asgard. And although the team had dispersed, they met by their own at the place; the final panel of the comic book shows Pym leading them to battle for the last time.
** The end of the main ''Siege'' storyline, when Steve Rogers announces that he will need everyone for upcoming things, may be considered a case as well. However, it's a mere mention, with the characters standing there, and not a "charging into battle" finale.
* [[BFG]]: Nick Fury dosn't go anywhere without one.
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* [[Colony Drop]] / [[Death From Above]]: Iron Man dropping the HAMMER helicarrier on the Void.
* [[Crisis Crossover]]
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]:
** Osborn and his men beating the living hell out of Thor.
** Sentry's "[[Half the Man He Used To Be|fight]]" with Ares.
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* [[Decompressed Comic]]: Subverted. Hard. The main event requires no tie-ins and was only four issues long. Reading it feels like sprinting compared to ''[[Secret Invasion]]''.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: When {{spoiler|The Void begins to manifest}}, he looks like a cross between a demon and a scorpion.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: [[Captain America (comics)]] and [[Iron Man]].
** More so with {{spoiler|Loki and the Avengers}}.
* [[Enfante Terrible]]: Phobos' rampage through the White House establishes that he is definitely his father's son.
* [[Freak -Out]]: The Sentry has several in the various tie-ins. And then there's Norman's [[Villainous Breakdown]].
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Ares finally leaves the Dark Avengers, and tries to decapitate Osborn in the process.
** Victoria Hand has one in the aftermath, after realizing just what kind of whack-job she's been working for.
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* [[He's Back]]: Captain America & Iron Man both return to action, each getting in a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] with their first actions in the battle.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: {{spoiler|Daken and Victoria Hand}}.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: The whole event is basically one last attempt by Osborn to Kick the Dog.
* [[Kill'Em All]]: {{spoiler|Osborn's last act is to command the Sentry to destroy all of Asgard. It works.}}
* [[Mercy Kill]]: {{spoiler|[[The Mighty Thor|Thor]] to [[The Sentry]]}}
* [[Oh Crap]]: Everyone's reaction when {{spoiler|Ares is ripped apart by the Sentry}}.
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: Spider-Man gives one to Norman Osborn.
* [[Suicide Byby Cop]]: {{spoiler|The Void commits suicide by [[The Mighty Thor|thunder god]].}}
* [[Villain Decay]]: Count Nefaria, who previously was shown to be powerful enough to outfight the entire Avengers roster during their prime (including Iron Man, Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Yellowjacket, Black Panther, Wonder Man, Thor, and Vision) literally single-handedly, is laid out by Wolverine and Ms. Marvel in three pages because he isn't an A-list villain.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Osborn has a huge one at the end.
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