Silly Reason for War: Difference between revisions

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* The war of Jenkins ear: Britain was looking for a reason to go to war with Spain, and someone pointed out the ''eight years earlier'' Spanish coast guards had boarded a English ship, captained by the aforementioned Jenkins, and cut off his ear. Parliament was outraged, war begun, and it destabilised the Hapsburgs to the point that it was the major cause of the far bloody war of the Austrian succession, with in turn kicked of the Seven years’ war: Three wars and two million dead over an ear.
** There's even considerable doubt about whether Jenkins really lost his ear that way in the first place.
* The War of the One Eyed Woman in Scotland between the MacDonald clan and the MacleansMacleods. It was fought because the Macdonald chief was given a MacleanMacleod princess in marriage without the Macleods mentioning that she was one eyed.
**More accurately she proved barren during the handfasting and the loss of an eye was a pretext for ending it.
**The MacDonald's had always been a power in the land, though they were kind of a has been by the time while the Macleods were in a period of ambition under a series of talented chiefs. It was very much a clash of power.