Skelteria: Difference between revisions

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* [[Animated Music Video]]: ''The Nightmare Begins'' and ''Free Candy For All!!!'' (Although the latter is more of a slideshow.)
* [[Author Appeal]]: Demonic imagery.
* [[Badass Long Hair]]: Kotner's most recent photo features this. [[Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow|Unfortunately, it didn't last long.]]
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: ''Candy Corn Pumpkins''.
* [[Doomy Dooms of Doom]]: ''Filler of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!'''
* [[I Am the Band]]: Skelteria was Evan Kotner, A Robot, and whoever he could find to play bass until he officially decided to make it a one-man band in 2012.
* [[Mascot]]: St. Trinity, a [[Does Not Like Shoes|barefoot]] [[Evil Is Cool|demon]] [[Evil Is Sexy|woman]] with [[Good Wings, Evil Wings|bat-like wings]].
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Many songs contain at least one (literally).
* [[Rerelease the Song]]: ''The Wettening''.