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* The final confrontation with the ultimate boss of ''[[Planescape: Torment]]'' can be resolved without violence... in about four different ways.
** ...And each of ''those'' ways have a couple of different ways of going about it. Indeed, ''not'' fighting the boss gives you a somewhat better ending than if you killed it.
* The final boss in ''[[Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick Obscura|Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura]]'' can, in the same manner as the ''Fallout'' boss, be persuaded that his plan is unsound and will then allow the player to kill him without resistance.
* It is possible to skip some bosses in ''[[Mega Man X|Mega Man X5]]''. Either launch the Enigma laser or shuttle early, or let Eurasia fall to Earth.
** Not just some; you can fire the Enigma and launch the shuttle immediately after finishing the intro stage. They're not likely to succeed at destroying the colony at this point, but whether they do or not, you can still access the final stages without setting foot in a single Maverick level.
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** In the Awakening [[Expansion Pack]], The Architect will propose an [[Enemy Mine]] with you against The Mother, which you can agree to. Doing so however will anger some companions into attacking you unless you have enough Persuasion to talk them down.
* ''[[Turrican]] II'' has a sort of flying saucer on stage 1-2 which you have to go out of your way to fight. However, if you do, you are rewarded with 4 extra lives when you kill him.
* In ''[[Rune Factory: Frontier]]'', it is possible to skip the battle against {{spoiler|Iris Noire}} in the Snow Ruins if your friendship with {{spoiler|Iris Blanche}} is high enough.
* Unless you're going for the Chaos path, in which case it's good for your alignment, you can get through ''[[Strange Journey]]'' without killing {{spoiler|Ryan}}.
* The page quote comes from a short [[Story Arc]] in ''[[FoxTrot]]'' where gamer Jason struggles with a nigh-impossible boss, leaves to go to the bathroom, and when he returns his sister Paige has gotten past the boss. Jason refuses to believe that she simply ignored the boss, despite their mother suggesting that it was meant to be [[An Aesop]] about discretion being the better part of valor (and of course, it's [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] that Jason, who pranks and harasses Paige despite the fact that he inevitably ends up [[Megaton Punch|eating a knuckle sandwich]], doesn't know the meaning of the word "discretion").