Skulduggery Pleasant: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass]]: Pretty much every main character.
* [[Badass Boast]]: China, in ''Death Bringer''.
{{quote|'''China:''' You know, there was a time where nobody threatened me. I just wouldn't stand for it. [[Disproportionate Retribution|The amount of people I killed, of bodies I twisted and bones I snapped, all because they had allowed their anger to momentarily overwhelm their good sense.]] I regret it all now, of course. I was out of control. I was indulging the darkness inside me far too often. [[Dark Action Girl|I was not, Mr. Prave, a very nice person.]] But I have changed. I have allowed the years to mellow me. Now I find joy in simple pleasures. A good book. A fine wine. Good company. All of these things make me smile. They make me happy. But once in a while, I get the urge. You know what I'm talking about, don't you. The urge for destruction. The urge to hunt, maim, kill. It's quite a thing, to experience that urge, to let it wash over you, to give into it. [[Foreshadowing|It's addictive. It's all-consuming. You lose yourself to it.]] [[Evil Feels Good|It's quite, quite wonderful.]] I can feel it, even as we speak, tapping around the edges of my mind, trying to prise me open, to slip it's fingers in. And it would be so easy to let it happen. [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|But we're all like that, aren't we? We're all barbarians at our core. We're all savage, murderous beasts.]] I know I am. I'm sure you are. The only difference between us, Mr. Prave, is how loudly we roar. I know I roar very loudly indeed. How about you? [[Armor-Piercing Question|Do you think you can match me?]]}}
* [[Beethoven Was an Alien Spy]]: In this universe, HP Lovecraft's [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]]s were inspired by tales he heard of the Faceless Ones.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Don't threaten Valkyrie in front of Skulduggery. Or Skulduggery in front on Valkyrie. ''Or lay a finger on Valkyrie's mother.'' Or harm China if Mr Bliss is around. [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Or damage China's books.]]
* [[Betty and Veronica]]: Landy has ''fun'' with this one in ''Death Bringer''.
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* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]: Tanith's sword is apparently one. Her silhouette in the first book's cover makes it more obvious.
* [[Kill It with Water]]: The logical way to kill someone who's fireproofed himself, apparently.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: Averted multiple times with [[Butt Monkey|Scapegrace]], but played straight with {{spoiler|''(not including the [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s of each book)'' the Sanctuary Elders from book 1, Mr. Bliss, Davina Marr, Kenspeckle Grouse, the Torment, Tesseract and Caelan.}}
* [[Knowledge Broker]]: China Sorrows. Myron Stray used to be this before Mr. Bliss found out his true name.
* [[Kung Shui]]: {{spoiler|Darquesse and Lord Vile basically demolish everything in the immediate vicinity.}}
* [[Ladykiller in Love]]: Billy-Ray Sanguine is a notable skirt chaser and getter, but he seems genuinely infatuated with Tanith, which is kinda cute. {{spoiler|Then Tanith gets possessed by a remnant and runs off with him, and it gets pretty squicky.}}
* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: Comes with the ''entire cast'' being [[Deadpan Snarker|Deadpan Snarkers]]s.
** You have to wonder if the Author didn't have this website ''and'' the Evil Overlord list open while writing. However, tropes/overlord mistakes are played perfectly straight at other times.
* [[Legion of Doom]]: The Revengers' Club, basically.
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** Book 5 says that {{spoiler|magic is derived from one's true name.}}
* [[Magic Is a Monster Magnet]]: The tunnels {{spoiler|under Uncle Gordon's house}} are filled with various monstrosities attracted to magic and those that use it.
* [[May-DecemberMay–December Romance]]:
** There's about three hundred years between {{spoiler|Ghastly and Tanith}}, give or take a century or two. Though, given the age of most sorcerers, this is most probably still acceptable in their society.
** On a somewhat more dysfunctional and squicky note, {{spoiler|sixteen year old Valkyrie and one hundred year old Caelan.}}