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{{quote| ''"Where monsters rampage, I'm there to take them down! Where treasure glitters, I'm there to claim it! Where an enemy rises to face me, victory will be mine!"''}}
A series of sword-and-sorcery light novels with equal parts comedy and drama that was adapted into an anime series. Has five TV seasons, six [[OVA|OVAs]], five movies, six video games and a whole lot of manga made. Became extremely popular in the West, in part because of its quirk of having a female as the lead in a [[Shounen]] series.
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** Even then, the established universe can be confusing to interpret because Kanzaka [[Shrug of God|contradicts himself about his canon's own work]] and often makes facts up on the fly.
* [[Always Chaotic Evil]]: The Mazoku/Monsters.
{{quote| '''[[Big Bad|Shabranigdu]]''': The power of the Monster race flows from [...] terror, anger, sorrow, despair.}}
* [[Always Save the Girl]]: In this case it's [[Gender Flip|Always Save The ''Boy'']]. Lina uses a spell that might well destroy the world if cast incorrectly, simply because there's no other way to save Gourry.
* [[Anachronism Stew]]: Quite a few, all [[Played for Laughs]]. The most prominent would be clothing, ranging from typical fantasy armors and robes, to modern-looking sun dresses and t-shirt/pants combos. Zelgadis wears a hooded sweatshirt of all things in an episode of ''Revolution''.
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* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Gourry, Amelia, and Nama.
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: Lampshaded; Amelia thinks things really works this way.
{{quote| '''"Everyone knows the bad guy always wears black!"'''}}
* [[Comedic Sociopathy]]: One of Lina's major traits.
* [[Comically Serious]]: Zelgadis, poor guy.
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* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Lina is a ''queen'' of this trope. Her most famous example may be in the first episode, where she blows up a town she was trying to save while attempting to kill a dragon... because it had deliberately stepped over her rather then crushing her.
** Over sausages, of all things.
{{quote| '''Gourry:''' You were just staring off into space, so I figured you didn't want any.<br />
'''Lina:''' Well, I did! So if you can take my food, I can take yours! (Eats about five) And I hope that taught you a lesson.<br />
'''Gourry:''' Yeah, that you eat more than me. }}
* [[Dissonant Serenity]]: Rezo (but [[Beta Baddie|not his replica]]) and most Mazoku are quite calm or even mildly amused when fighting. Shabranigdo even [[Hannibal Lecture|explained]] to the party why and how much [[Resistance Is Futile]] and almost rolled his eyes seeing how they just don't get it.
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** Also {{spoiler|Valgaav, after the other Ancient Dragons are killed by the Golden Dragons.}}
* [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall]]: Happens a lot throughout the series and [[OVAs]]. The dub for ''Slayers Return'' has a particularly notable example.
{{quote| '''Lina:''' "Hey, wait a second! You're being too faithful to the rules of basic plot advancement! Wake up!"}}
* [[Lethal Joke Character]]: Jillas. For someone with no magic and physically weaker than everyone else, he still managed to be mildly dangerous. Even Zelgadis was impressed with Jillas by the end of ''Try''. In ''Revolution'' he even has a cannon named after him, if you notice the soldier ordering them to fire the Jillas Cannon.
* [[Leitmotif]]: Rezo has a particularly impressive one.