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* [[Bottle Fairy]]: Naga the Serpent.
* [[Boring Invincible Hero]]: Regularly quite subverted when things get serious. Multiple times Lina and co. have defeated their massively more potent adversaries purely through sheer luck. To make a list, {{spoiler|Shabranigdo was killed the first time using a spell that had an equal chance of ending the entire world as it did just being the ultimate offensive spell, and Lina wasn't even sure if the spell would work in the first place, and even then she only had the time to do it because Rezo held back his defenses. Gaarv was heavily wounded by Lina's Ragna Blade, but it STILL wasn't enough to kill them and would have slaughtered them if Fibrizio hadn't intervened. Fibrizio obviously massively outclassed the group when he demonstrated that he could pretty much kill them at will without any real effort on his part while effortlessly shrugging off all of their attacks, and only won because L-sama didn't really give much of a toss about what was going on either way. So far the only Big Bad's in the series that Lina has killed without casting an incredibly risky spell that has a fifty percent chance of ending reality are Copy Rezo and Dark Star Dugradigdu. At the end of Evolution-R, Lina casts successful Giga Slave for exactly the second time ever to kill Shabranigdo yet again, and though he was massively weakened from the form she encountered originally, the team STILL couldn't really kill him without Pokota's act of self-sacrifice doing the same thing Rezo did the first time.}}
* [[Bratty Half -Pint]]: Pokota definitely had his moments of this.
* [[Breath Weapon]]: Most dragons seem to have one. Golden Dragons in particular have ''laser'' breath, which they're shown to be able to use even in human form -- Filia's tendency to use hers when she's aggravated with Xellos is frequently played for comedic effect.
* [[Broken Pedestal]]: Zelgadis once fought on Rezo's behalf, believing he was the generous healer most people believe (and also because Rezo is his guardian and great-grandfather). This all changed when he found out how far Rezo was willing to go to cure his blindness, including experimenting on Zelgadis, and worse, {{spoiler|willing to risk the destruction of the entire world.}}
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* [[The Chosen One]]: Lina's sister Luna is the Knight of Ciefeed and is able to wield his strength; alledgedly it can rival that of high-level Mazoku such as Xellos. Lei Magnus, Rezo, and {{spoiler|Luke}} are the known holders of the [[Pieces of God|seven split pieces]] of Shabranigdo (the other four are unknown). And in the third season of the anime, Lina is chosen by Filia to take on Dark Star Dugradigdu; it is revealed by the final episode that she was an ideal choice over Luna because {{spoiler|of her ability to wield the Lord of Nightmares' power, and, unlike Luna, who is affiliated with the gods,(mainly specializing in White/Holy power), Lina has affiliation with neither side, and could easily combine Black and Holy magic to create the magical power needed to defeat Dugradigdu}}.
* [[Cloning Blues]]: Vrumugun, Copy Rezo.
* [[Close -Call Haircut]]: Lina gets a magic suppressing circlet latched onto her head. Gourry throws a surprised Lina up into the air and slashes at her face with his sword. A small piece of hair falls off, but the circlet is successfully sliced off her head. She repays him by bashing him over the head [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|with her own SWEATDROP]] for doing something so dangerous.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Gourry, Amelia, and Nama.
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: Lampshaded; Amelia thinks things really works this way.
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* [[Comedic Sociopathy]]: One of Lina's major traits.
* [[Comically Serious]]: Zelgadis, poor guy.
* [[Conspicuous CGI]]: ''[[Non -Serial Movie|Slayers Premium]]'' (the jars the octopi carry and the water) and both ''Slayers Revolution'' and ''Evolution-R'' (some spells, water, and structures in the opening sequences).
* [[Continuity Lock Out]]: The belated ''Revolution'' and ''Evolution-R'' seasons of the anime attempted to avoid this by conveniently not mention the fact that the four leads had defeated an incarnation of Zanaffar before. It would've worked, had it not been for the fact that both seasons played this painfully straight in the first place - absolutely no prior establishment of what had happened before both seasons - and the end result was most of the viewers being those who had seen the first three seasons from eleven years back. Along with the issue with Zanaffar, there is also the fact that ''why'' Lina and Gourry are seeking a new sword (and the importance of the Sword of Light), and they also don't mention directly that Zelgadis and Rezo are related by blood, getting rid of some of the depth that Zelgadis' emotional turmoil against Rezo.
** This is also a massive problem with the ''Slayers Special/Smash'' novels. There are over fifty of those versus the fifteen "main" novels. Mind you, those fifty are supposed to serve as a ''prequel'' to the fifteen, and they're [[Long Runner|still going]], whereas the last of the main books came out in 2000. It also doesn't help that both series began around the same time, in the early 90's.
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* [[Conveniently an Orphan]]: [[Word of God]] states that both Zelgadis and Gourry also lack parental figures.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: Averted with Luna Inverse who scares Lina more than anything else in the world, but played straight with Martina {{spoiler|who unknowingly looks after the child form of Hellmaster Fibrizzo while Lina and the others fight Gaav}}.
** Also averted with {{spoiler|Naga, who is actually Amelia's sister}}; her time with the group as "Nama" proves it so. Also, when they ''did'' actually meet (in a radio drama taking place after ''[[Non -Serial Movie|Slayers Premium]]'', {{spoiler|Naga}} disguised herself in front of Amelia and claimed she was a friend of Lina's.
* [[Cool Helmet]]: Filia wears a helmet with gigantic Christmas ornaments stuck to the sides.
* [[Cool Old Lady]]: Auntie Aqua.
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* [[Flashback Nightmare]]: Zelgadis has one about being turned into a demon/golem chimera. Which helped {{spoiler|his [[Heel Face Turn]]}}.
* [[Flat Chest Complex]]: Lina's not exactly flat as a board, but spending so much time with Naga and Amelia has made her rather sensitive about the fact that she lacks large breasts.
* [[Flip -Flop of God]] / [[Shrug of God]]: Hajime Kanzaka is aggrivatingly vague and indecisive about how his own work works.
* [[Flying Brick]]: Zelgadis. Not his only powers.
* [[Foe Yay]]: A flashback in season four of the anime shows Rezo putting a hand on human!Zel's cheek, making him do a [[Luminescent Blush]].
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* [[Giving Someone the Pointer Finger]]: Amelia does this a lot, and gets called on it several times in the final episode of the first series.
* [[Godzilla Threshold]]: Anything that justifies asking [[Destructive Saviour|Lina Inverse]] for help necessarily has be something that poses a risk of absolute annihilation, otherwise... just let bandits and/or rampaging dragon do whatever they want, they're liable to cause significantly less of a mess.
* [[Go -Karting With Bowser]]: At least once a season Lina is usually forced into participating in some tedious competition either with or against someone who's spent much of the season trying to kill her. Also, Lina goes on whole adventures with Xellos, who could, at any moment, turn around and kill her without a word... And she's okay with that.
* [[The Gods Must Be Lazy]]: What are the gods in this world doing while the Mazoku are busy manipulating people into destroying the world?
* [[Good Is Dumb]]: Gourry constantly proves this all on his own.
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* [[Gray and Gray Morality]]: Moreso in ''Slayers TRY'' than in any other season, with the questioning of the battles between Mazoku and Shinzoku coming into question and the cowardliness of the Golden Dragons among other things. Even the main party is affected from this.
* [[Gratuitous English]]: Many spell names, though this is [[Hand Wave|handwaved]] with a short explanation that the names had been corrupted over the years. Lina's most powerful attack used to be known as the "Dragon Slayer" before it became what it was.
* [[Gratuitous Japanese]]/[[Non -Singing Voice]]: (Dub only) The spell song. After Lina and Amelia's acapella rendition in English, Lina yells that they're going to do the fully orchestrated reprise in Japanese.
* [[Guardian of the Multiverse]]: The Lord of Nightmares.
** Although he was a bad guy in the first season, Zangulus would technically count in NEXT.
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* [[May-December Romance]]: Of the "in terms of maturity" variety: In the first season and the start of the novels, Lina is 15 and Gourry is 22. Amelia and Zelgadis have a very scant amount of chemistry in the novels, but they're 15 and 19 in those mediums if the very mild [[Ship Tease]] means anything. Their ages in the anime are bumped down (13 and 16), and the differences in maturity apply to this trope.
* [[Mayfly-December Romance]]: Any possibilities of either Eris or {{spoiler|Ozzel}} getting together with Rezo (as both were in love with him) is more or less this, because they're a normal-aging human and a puppet respectively, and he's at least a century old.
** Gourry's ancestor Rowdy allegedly got together with a female elf, as addressed in one of the movies, [[Non -Serial Movie|''Slayers The Motion Picture'']]; Rowdy is a human; elves age at half the speed humans do (similar to chimeras). Kanzaka [[Jossed]] the pairing, though, because of this trope.
** Zelgadis, being a chimera, ages slower than his friends (a [[Word of God]] fact), so he and Amelia could plausibly fall into the [[Mayfly-December Romance]] trope.
* [[Medieval European Fantasy]]
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* [[No Hugging, No Kissing]]: Hajime Kanzaka wrote the novels this way, explicitly stating that there would be no romance. [[Official Couple|Official Couples]] Lina/Gourry and Zelgadis/Amelia are a product of the anime. He later admitted that, although he hadn't ''planned'' on romance, Lina and Gourry wound up developing feelings for each other anyway. The Amelia/Zelgadis pairing was wholly unintentional by the author, but later artwork by Rui Araizumi features the two together in mildly romantic situations.
* [[No Kill Like Overkill]]: This is proven every time Lina does a high-level spell like Dragon Slave for a comedic effect.
* [[Non -Serial Movie]]: Of the five Slayers movies produced, the first four (which includes [[The Movie]] for ''Slayers'') are set some time before the series, during the "Lina and Naga" period, and the fifth one could be set after either the second or first season.
* [[No Periods, Period]]: [[Averted]]: Lina loses her magic powers for a brief period in Season 1, Episode 4, being able to only conjure a weak light spell. Gourry asks her whether it's "that time of the month", because the same thing happened to a fortuneteller he once knew.
** Used afterwards, as in 5 TV seasons, and a dozen movies and OVAs, it hasn't come up again, ever.
** The first novel has a scene where the conversation is basically the same, but we get to see Lina fuming at him because she thinks it's a sign that he's cannier than he lets on, and is actively mocking her. In a later scene a villain catches on, and Lina in the narration rages, "Do I have a big sign on my forehead that says, 'I'm on my period. Let's discuss'?!"
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* [[Only Sane Man]]: Zelgadis is usually this, but Gourry of all people was actually this when he and Amelia went to the "Village Of Justice".
* [[Orichalcum]]: Used as an [[Anti-Magic]] metal
* [[OrphansOrphan's Ordeal]]: Sylphiel loses her one remaining parent when [[Beta Baddie|Copy Rezo]] destroys her entire homeland; beforehand, Lina and her group did meet her father. As if that weren't enough, {{spoiler|and just in case anyone thought he might have survived, he's [[Animate Dead|brought back]] and then [[Undeath Always Ends|lost]] ''[[Undeath Always Ends|again]]''}} in the last few episodes of ''NEXT''.
* [[The Other Darrin]]: The American dub of the first series, produced by Central Park Media, had several cases of this.
** Partway through the series, CPM took a break from dubbing the series for about a year, and during that time period, lost contact with several of the voice actors. As a result, [[Crispin Freeman]] replaced Daniel Cronin as the voice of Zelgadis, while [[Veronica Taylor]] replaced Joani Baker as the voice of Amelia. Other characters like Zangulus and Prince Philionel also changed as a result of the gap.
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* [[Pollyanna]]: Amelia.
* [[Pre-Explosion Glow]]
* [["Previously On..."]]
* [[Primordial Chaos]]: The Sea of Chaos, from which the four worlds arose at the beginning of time.
* [[Princesses Prefer Pink]]: Amelia's outfit has some pink touches, but she wore an actual pink dress in the first episode of ''Next''.
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** Sylphiel is put on a bus after ''Slayers NEXT'' and is only mentioned once in ''Slayers TRY''; Filia replaces her for that season. Sylphiel does return at the end of ''Revolution,'' though. Zangulus and Martina are also sent off when ''NEXT'' ends.
** Finally, Filia herself is bussed once ''TRY'' is over, and any other characters exclusive to that season (Jillas, Valgaav, the "Overworld" inhabitants) go with her. None of them are ''ever'' mentioned again -- unless one counts the reference to "Jillas cannons" in ''Revolution''.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: "Ruby Eye" Shabranigdu.
** Lina herself, what with being Enemy Of All That Live, and all.
* [[Redheaded Hero]]: Lina...though 'hero' is a bit strong of a word, and she starts off more of a brunette, her hair turning coppery as the anime progresses.
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* [[She Cleans Up Nicely]]: As commented by other characters, Amelia always looks beautiful in a nice dress, and Lina and Martina looked great while wearing wedding dresses.
* [[Shell Game]]: Zelgadis with his band played "which bauble we [[MacGuffin|need to collect]]?" with Lina for some time. This didn't work well, though.
* [[Ship Tease]]: At the end of ''NEXT'' and ''[[Non -Serial Movie|Slayers Premium]]''. In the former, Gourry {{spoiler|chases Lina, possessed by the Lord of Nightmares, into a dimension beyond his own and begs for Lina back, the two kissing and then being sent back to their world}}. When they wake up, neither of them seems to remember in the slightest what happened. In the latter, after being placed under the Octopese Curse, Gourry tells Lina "I love you" at several points -- but Octopese is basically saying lots of random words that have an entirely different meaning for octopi ("flatchested", for example, is an expression of great dismay). When things clear up, Lina asks Gourry what "I love you" means in Octopese. {{spoiler|"I'm broke, so you'll have to pay for the hotel."}} This revelation causes Lina to explode, angrily chase Gourry across the beach and beat him senseless.
** [[The Chick|Filia]] and [[Affably Evil|Xellos]] are positively ''rife'' with this, mostly in the form of [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]] topped with the fact that they're from the god and demon races respectively. They've actually become one of the most popular [[One True Pairing|One True Pairings]] in the show.
** Zelgadis and Amelia have a good deal of chemistry and moments together, especially in ''Next'', but most of the teasing is near-gone by ''Revolution''. Pokota also acts flustered around Amelia at times.
* [[Shock Collar]]: A captive Lina was restrained by a circlet that zapped her when she tried to use magic. They really haven't a slightest idea what [[Aloof Big Brother|her big sister]] used to [[Good Is Not Nice|put her through]], however...
* [[Shout -Out]]: Amelia is at least in part a parody of [[Sailor Moon]], and Gourry's disguise in the first season's cross dressing episode has Usagi's distinctive hair style. Furthermore, an episode of ''NEXT'' has Amelia and Lina dressing up in what look like Sailor Senshi fuku for a humiliating musical number. Furthermore, most of Zel's initial appearances have him looking like Tuxedo Kamen's OTHER identity crisis, Moonlight Knight.
** The magic doctor Lina goes to when her powers are sealed looks exactly like a slightly older Chibiusa, right down to the pink Odango hair.
** The aforementioned episode of ''NEXT'' also has a pair of [[Single-Minded Twins]] who look exactly like Shampoo from [[Ranma One Half]].
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* [[Spirited Competitor]]: Zangulus followed Gourry just to test who's the best swordsman.
* [[Stealth Parody]]: Lina's group is rumored to be based on D&D campaigns; Zelgadis being a 'serious' role-player who's epic backstory and angst is somewhat made silly by the antics of the rest of the group, Amelia an overdone [[Lawful Good]] type, Gourry is the guy playing for a good time who's only half playing attention, and Lina is the [[Min-Maxing]] spellcaster, and Xellos is the annoying, completely unkillable, and most definitely the overpowered GMPC who largely exists to re-rail the plot when the rest of the party derails it.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Amelia - noted more often in the novels, but the few times it's shown, her family's constant death threats and arguments have had their emotional toll on her. It also explains why [[Daddy's Girl|she's so close to her father.]] In this case, she [[Angst? What Angst?|always tries to keep her head up.]]
** Also, by [[Word of God]], Gourry. {{spoiler|His family's more or less dead because of the Sword of Light, save a grandmother and a brother who he hates. Combine this with having gone through wars and mercenary jobs, and you have one embittered individual. If it weren't for Lina's father telling him to find a purpose in life, he'd probably be a [[Byronic Hero]].}}
* [[Stern Chase]]: Chasers -- Zangulus and Vrumugun in season 1, Gaav and his minions in Next.
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** According to Amelia in ''Slayers: The Hourglass of Falces'', their mother made it a tradition that the women of the royal family "are expected to wear a sort of dress that evokes a 'bondage' image when they reach a certain age." Therefore, she abandoned her regulation pants for a very-mini-skirt, so she would be used to that sort of exposure when the time came. [[Word of God]] states that Naga found her [[Memetic Outfit]] in their mother's closet after her funeral.
* [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]]: Zelgadis and Gourry when Lina and Amelia [[Dragged Into Drag|have access to surplus women's clothing]].
* [[Super -Deformed]]: In some of the [[No Fourth Wall]] segments of the manga, and the mini-Gourrys and mini-Linas the cloning machine made in the anime.
* [[Sword and Sorcerer]]
* [[Sympathetic Inspector Antagonist]]: Wizer Freyon pursues Lina throughout the better part of Revolution for all of the destructive acts she's committed in the past. At some point in the series, he obviously realizes she's innocent and just keeps playing up the chase as [[Obfuscating Stupidity]] to use Lina to catch the real criminals, but it's not clear exactly when that point is.
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* [[Wide Eyed Idealist]]: Amelia, and to a lesser degree, Filia.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: Lina is terrified of her sister. And slugs, because of her sister.
* [[Whole -Episode Flashback]]: A noteworthy [[Averted Trope|aversion]], given that many shonen series have at least one. The closest one we get is Episode 10 of ''Evolution-R'', which expands a little on Zelgadis' time as a human, following up to [[You Should Know This Already|his transformation.]]
* [[Wild Card]]: Xellos. He switches from helpful to bullying and from saving the heroes butts to crossing them and back [[Eyes Always Shut|without as much as blinking]], when it advances his plans. He's also loyal only to his creator and instrumental in the demise of two other Dark Lords, without participating directly.
* [[World of Buxom]]: Many, many females in the series are quite stacked, [[A Cup Angst|minus Lina.]]