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** "Gan Jing" is Mandarin for "clean" and "Zhang" is Mandarin for "dirty", which makes the names for the tribes...somewhat less than imaginative.
* The ''[[Simpsons]]'' episode "A Tale of Two Springfields" had Homer divide the town in such a feud...[[Disproportionate Retribution|because half the town's phone numbers had a new area code]]. (The "rich" part of town kept the old area code while the rest had to learn a new one.)
** This trope was [[Canon Dis ContinuityDiscontinuity|portrayed inconsistently]] in the case of the "Springfield versus Shelbyville" ongoing town rivalry. In a relatively early episode, it is revealed that the current inhabitants of Springfield are descended from wholesome, all-American frontier stock (well, by the show's standards, anyway) while the Shelbyvillians are descended from a renegade band of pioneers who broke off from Jebediah Springfield's party because he would not allow them to practice incest; the "inevitable" result is that the modern-day Springfieldians are normal (again, by the show's standards) and the Shelbyvillians are inbred hillbillies who view the Springfieldians as over-civilized weaklings. But in a much later episode, the stereotypes are reversed and now the suddenly "sophisticated" Shelbyvillians scorn the Springfieldians for being "uncultured" and stupid. (The fact that all of the show's stereotypes had been ratcheted [[Up to Eleven]] by that point certainly didn't help the confusion.)
** ''They Saved Lisa's Brain'' could also count, but that's more 'The smart people fo Springfield vs. the idiots of Springfield'.
* The entire premise of ''[[The Oblongs]]'' was this, with the dirty (and physically deformed) Valley at odds with the wealthy and immaculate Hills.