Smallville/Characters/Clarks Allies: Difference between revisions

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A doctor and surgeon at Metropolis General Hospital, Emil is kept on retainer by Oliver Queen beginning in Season 8; as Green Arrow's inside man, his job is to look the other way when a [[Justice League|member of the team]] comes in with bullet wounds or even weirder injuries. Emil's role quickly evolves, however, and he becomes the team's tech-guy, biologist, coroner and confidant -- all rolled into one. He's been to Watchtower, examined Doomsday's blood and whipped up cures for [[EverythingsEverything's Deader With Zombies|zombie]] [[The Virus|viruses]], among other things. All in a days work for a [[Superhero]]'s MD.
* [[The Coroner]]: Frequently gets to examine the bodies of the latest super-powered [[Serial Killer]]'s victims.
* [[Elvis Impersonator]]: {{spoiler|In "Fortune".}} Seriously.
* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]: EMP grenades, high-tech cars -- you name it.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Guy]]: Wait... [[Death Note (Manga)|L]]?!
** [[Battlestar Galactica|Gaeta]]?!
** [[X Men Evolution|Gambit]]?!
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* [[Messy Hair]]
* [[Nerd Glasses]]
* [[Non -Action Guy]]: Emil has no fighting skills and doesn't pretend to, panicking very easily when threatened with physical violence. He never betrays the team though, even under threat of torture.
* [[No Sense of Humor]]: Often played this way. It's not so much that he's humorless, but that he's a very serious person with no time for jokes.
* [[Omnidisciplinary Scientist]]: Biology, medicine, technology -- Emil's good with all of it.
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First arriving in Metropolis in Season 6, Oliver dated [[Lois Lane]] and clashed with Clark over whether a pro-active or reactive approach was the best way to deal with crime. Frustrated with Clark's [[Heroic Neutral]] tendencies, Oliver gathered the proto-[[Justice League]] in an effort to shut down his old classmate [[Lex Luthor]]'s Level 33.1 laboratories, eventually leaving Smallville (and Lois) to fight LuthorCorp all over the world.
Returning briefly in Season 7, Oliver had his secret outed in front of Lois during a battle with [[Black Canary]]. In Season 8, he became a regular cast member. This led to many revelations about his past, including his tortured relationship with [[The Baroness|Tess Mercer]], whom he assists in taking over LuthorCorp. Forced to {{spoiler|kill Lex in "Requiem"}}, Oliver would go on to struggle with an intensification of his already-existing feelings of self-loathing, emptiness and alienation, ultimately resulting in a {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide|suicide attempt]]}}. Entering a relationship with {{spoiler|Chloe}} seemed to help snap him out of it, but her disappearance early in Season 10 sent Oliver into another downward spiral. He has since {{spoiler|revealed his identity to the public, had several bad run-ins with the VRA, and resumed his relationship with Chloe}}. When [[Torture Technician|Desaad]] kidnapped her and lied to Oliver about having killed her, Oliver tried to beat the [[Serial Killer]] to death, {{spoiler|resulting in his apparent corruption by [[Big Bad|Darkseid]]. He is eventually freed from this corruption after attacking Clark in the [[Grand Finale]], and defeats the [[Co -Dragons|Disciples of Darkseid]], redeeming himself}}.
A deeply screwed-up young man with an extremely negative view of himself and the world, Oliver has clashed with the more idealistic (and saner) Clark on many occasions. Despite this, he remains a loyal friend to the future [[Superman]], a great (if flawed) [[Superhero Superhero]], and one of the biggest [[Badass|Badasses]] in the entire show.
* [[The Alcoholic]]: Oliver's always had a drinking problem, but {{spoiler|in Season 9, he descends into this}}.
* [[Anti -Hero]]: When we first meet him, he believes that, if a [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] buys valuable artifacts from evil warlords or [[The Mafia]], it's justifiable to steal the artifacts away from them and use them to fund charities. He provides the cynicism to Clark's idealism and, unlike our hero, is willing to stray from [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]] if it gets the job done.
* [[The Archer]]: Well, duh.
* [[The Artifact]]: As Green Arrow, he always wears a hood, dark sunglasses, and a voice modifier... even after he publicly reveals his superhero identity, making all these disguises completely unnecessary.
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: Hits it in Season 9. After an intervention from Chloe, he gets better.
* [[Dual -Wielding]]: In "Dominion".
* [[Expy]]: There are some sharp similarities between his characterization and relationship with Clark, and that of [[Batman]]. Throw in the fact that the ''[[Dark Knight Trilogy]]'' likely meant the writers couldn't use Bruce, and that makes a lot of sense all of a sudden.
** Appropriate, given that intially [[Green Arrow]] was very much [[Poor MansMan's Substitute|the poor man's Batman.]]
* [[Framed for Heroism]]
* [[Friends With Benefits]]: What he and Chloe try to be in Season 9, even though...
** [[Everyone Can See It]]: That they feel for each other much more strongly than that.
* [[Gun Kata]]: Against Lex in Season 7's "Siren".
* [[Hell -Bent for Leather]]
* [[Heroic Self -Deprecation]]: Saying that Oliver hates himself is not an understatement.
* [[Honest Corporate Executive]]: Oliver may have no problem with using Queen Industries' money for some pretty shady purposes, but every cent of the money in question was earned honestly. He treats his employees fairly and unlike Lex, refuses to sell to the bad guys. This is actually one of his biggest problems with Tess and the Luthors--the way they let their desire for profit get in the way of ethical business practices.
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: Regarding his murder of {{spoiler|Lex}}.
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* [[The Masquerade Will Kill Your Dating Life]]: It certainly blew up his relationship with Lois.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: In the Season 8 finale. {{spoiler|He and Chloe are more or less responsible for Jimmy's death}}.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: His mom and dad died in a plane crash when he was very young. Guilt about it has left him very bitter.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: Frequently. He and Chloe collecting an arsenal of Kryptonite weapons in Season 9 may look irrational, but as the [[Bad Future]] episode "Pandora" proves, they really come in handy.
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* [[Trick Arrow]]: Tasers, gas -- what will he think of next?
* [[Vigilante Man]]
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Courtesy of Chloe, after {{spoiler|his murder of Lex}}. He turns it around on her by pointing out that she would have done exactly the same thing.
* [[You Shall Not Pass]]: {{spoiler|In the [[Bad Future]] episode. [[Badass]].}}
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* [[Badass Crew]]: Let's see -- we got the [[The Flash|Fastest Man Alive]], an [[Action Girl]] with a [[Make Me Wanna Shout|sonic scream]], a [[Cyborg]] with [[Super Strength]], and [[Heart Is an Awesome Power|Aquaman]]. All led by the biggest [[Badass Normal]] in the show, with the occasional assist from [[Superman]] and [[Martian Manhunter|Mars' Last Survivor]]. I'd say they count.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Often
* [[Cheap Costume]]: Bart wears sunglasses and a red hoodie with a lightning bolt sewn on. Oliver wears green leather and, again, sunglasses. A.C. dresses in green scuba pants and an orange shirt. Victor wears a silver-grey jumpsuit. Dinah relies on a makeup mask, a [[Hell -Bent for Leather|black leather outfit]] and a wig in her [[Secret Identity]]. Clark, of course, had his red jacket/blue shirt combo (later a black [[Badass Longcoat]]). For bonus points, compare their looks with those of the JSA, who all wear their classic spandex costumes.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: All of them on occasion, but especially Victor.
* [[Five -Man Band]]: One could make the case that, in "Justice", [[Badass Normal|Green Arrow]] was [[The Hero]], [[Superman|Clark]] [[The Lancer]], A.C. [[The Big Guy]], [[Genius Bruiser|Victor]] [[The Smart Guy]], and [[Bratty Half Pint|Bart]] [[The Chick]]. The addition of Black Canary and the [[Martian Manhunter]] to the team, as well as Clark and Oliver's more or less joint leadership has altered this dynamic considerably, however, and it likely no longer applies.
* [[La Résistance]]: How they see themselves.
* [[Superhero]]: They move closer to the archetype with every episode, but aren't quite there yet, having yet to move into the public eye or wear their classic costumes.
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* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]: Receives a [[Lampshade Hanging]] from Victor.
* [[Walking Swimsuit Scene]]
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: A.C. bordered on this in his first appearances, what with sinking ships and blowing up factories in order to [[Animal Wrongs Group|save the environment]].
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart Anyway]]: Arthur manages to be pretty [[Badass]] despite this.
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* [[Action Girl]]: She was pretty dark in her first appearance. She later became one of the good guys, but lost none of her [[Badass]] points.
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Is a flawed and misguided, but well-intentioned heroine in her first appearance. In her later appearances, she's a genuine heroine.
* [[Blonde Republican Sex Kitten]]: Pretty, capable and ''hard'' right-wing.
* [[Hell -Bent for Leather]]
* [[Hired Guns]]: Initially contracted by Lex to hunt down Green Arrow.
* [[Knife Nut]]: Of the throwing variety.
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* [[Mentor]]: To Clark, and the rest of the League.
* [[Mysterious Protector]]: At first.
* [[The Obi -Wan]]
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: In his guise as a cop.
* [[Red Eyes Take Warning]]: Well, if you're a villain, anyway.
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* [[Kissing Under the Influence]]: Does it to Clark, although her intent isn't malicious.
* [[Literal Genie]]: Her spells grant the literal meaning of the wish, not the metaphorical one.
* [[M AgiciansMagicians Are Wizards]]: Can perform both [[Stage Magician|stage magic]] and the real thing.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]
* [[Nice Hat]]
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* [[Mr. Vice Guy]]: Well-intentioned, but ignorant, arrogant, and a danger to himself and others.
* [[Power Armor]]: His suit, which enables [[Flight]] and discharges [[Hard Light]] energy beams.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: He thinks he can replace [[Superman]]. Wow...
* [[Smug Super]]
* [[Throwing the Fight]]: Booster deliberately lost matches for the money. In doing so, he also lost his sports career and all of his fans.