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* [[Ron the Death Eater]]: [[The Scrappy|Lana]] [[Creator's Pet|Lang]] is incredibly annoying, but to hear it from some of the fanbase, she's a whiny whore, [[Axe Crazy]] [[Psycho Ex-Girlfriend]], and borderline [[Big Bad]] who just needs to die. Lionel Luthor was [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|no]] [[Self-Made Orphan|saint]] [[Abusive Dad|either]], but once again, there's a strong tendency (especially among [[Draco in Leather Pants|Lex]] fans) to turn him into [[Pure Evil]] in fanfics, complete with Sexual Abuse.
** The Kents also get this in Lex-centric fics, despite having very good reasons for wanting their son to stay away from the Luthors in the actual show. Lex himself will get ''heavy'' [[Draco in Leather Pants]] treatment, while the Kents will be turned into vicious, abusive [[Control Freak|ControlFreaks]] who don't care about Clark's happiness at all and loathe the Luthors for literally no reason, and occasionally scheme to steal the Luthors' wealth. This is especially jarring when one remembers that in the actual '''canon'', Jonathan and Martha Kent are supposed to be among the ''nicest'' people in the entire DC Multiverse.
*** In Chloe/Clark shipper fics or Chlois Theory fics, poor Lois will often be made out to be some kind of [[The Ditz|ditzy]] alcoholic and [[Memetic Slut]] who doesn't "deserve" the identity of Lois Lane. She will then bumble her way to an embarassing death at the hands of the [[Big Bad]], or occasionally (in the more extreme fics) even turn out to be the [[Big Bad]]'s evil [[The Dragon|Dragon]] sidekick, in which case she will be unceremoniously defeated and banished to the Phantom Zone. Chloe will then assume the identity of "Lois Lane" (for... some reason) and becomes the reporter character we know from the comics. Naturally the Chlois Theory and all related fanfics are ''extremely'' far from canon.
*** Even '''Clark''' gets this treatment very often in fanfic. That's right folks: the future ''[[Superman]]'' often gets made out to be a [[Complete Monster]] in fanfic, usually in fics that involve Chloe shipping with Lex, Ollie or Davis. These fanfics often bash on Clark for [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|committing the horrible crime of seeing Chloe as *gasp* just a friend and not a love interest.]] Apparently, Clark deciding that he and Chloe are [[Better as Friends]] is enough to justify portraying Clark as a borderline retarded, selfish, and sniveling asshole who genuinely ''wants'' to make Chloe as miserable as possible. Chloe will then rush into the waiting arms of Lex/Davis/etc., who will usually get ''heavy'' [[Draco in Leather Pants]] treatment. Naturally, this is the ''farthest'' thing from canon. In the show's actual canon, Clark is a genuinely nice person (and [[The Cape (trope)]] in fact) who cares deeply about Chloe (as his best friend) and shares a [[Like Brother and Sister]] relationship with her from Season 5 onwards... but don't tell that to the shippers.
*** Clark also gets this treatment very often in Lex-centric fics. Typically Lex will either be deeply in love with Clark or at the very least will care deeply about him in a platonic way (it varies from fic to fic), but despite this, Clark will treat Lex like crap. If it's a fic where Lex is in love with Clark, Clark will not only reject Lex's advances, but will say something viciously cruel to him and treat him worse than ever, in a series of increasingly-terrifying [[Kick the Dog]] moments for Clark. [[Beware the Superman|Thus, when Lex becomes the main opposition figure against Clark/Superman, the writer will be able to portray it as being completely justified.]] (Also in these fics, Jonathan and Martha will usually be cackling evilly in the background while Clark treats Lex terribly)