Smug Snake/Film: Difference between revisions

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* The appropriately named [[Dirty Coward|Lord Coward]] in ''[[Sherlock Holmes (film)|Sherlock Holmes]]'', who seems to spend most of the movie standing around looking rather smug with little reason to be. He does notably attempt to [[No-Nonsense Nemesis|shoot Holmes]] when he gets the chance, but still fails miserably.
* ''[[Star Wars]]'':
** Grand Moff Tarkin in the original movie. He becomes this trope more and more as the movie goes on, with his smug overconfidence on full display at the finale.
** Jabba the Hutt in Episode VI: [[Return of the Jedi]]. Han offered money instead of his captivity and Jabba wouldn't listen; when Leia and Luke warned Jabba they could defeat him, Jabba and his minions didn't take them seriously at all. Even when being led to the Sarlacc Pit Luke said "this is your last chance; free us, or die." Jabba and his minions STILL didn't take them seriously. Jabba had so many warnings, and so many chances for alternatives, that for him to still keep ignoring them made his [[Karmic Death]] all the more satisfying. In his defense (and who ever thought they'd hear ''that'') he'd heard it ''all'' before. He'd had dozens, maybe hundreds of others in exactly the same place that the heroes were in, and clearly he had come off the better of it each time. In various EU works, he actually is more of a [[Magnificent Bastard]] than Smug Snake. But as far as the movies themselves go, no context is given for this dismissive approach. Also, "free us, or die" comes AFTER Luke manages to defeat the Rancor; this should give Jabba some indication that Luke could be a potential threat. Even if he was a [[Magnificent Bastard]] before this, that doesn't rule out the possibility that he has turned into a Smug Snake since. (Even Palpatine, who was clearly a [[Magnificent Bastard]] in the prequel trilogy, showed signs of turning into a Smug Snake in ''[[Return of the Jedi]]''.)
** [[Card-Carrying Villain|General Grievous]]. In the Interquel mini-series, Grievous was a bonafide badass, slaughtering several Jedi at once and almost taking several prominent masters' heads for himself, including Ki-Adi-Mundi. The guy even fought MACE WINDU to a standstill. Cue [[Revenge of the Sith]] and a helping of [[Badass Decay]] courtesy of [[George Lucas]], and we get a Smug Snake whom "is actually doing the doing the [[Buffy-Speak|twirly-finger thing]]", to quote Rifftrax, and is handed his ass after a brief saber fight by Obi-Wan later...