Snarky Non-Human Sidekick: Difference between revisions

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* Even though we can't directly understand anything they say, R2-D2 and Chewbacca both fill this role in the ''[[Star Wars]]'' universe.
** Statement: In the same universe, [[Knights of the Old Republic|HK-47]] can be understood and fulfills this role far superiorly to any meatbag.
* If you thought ''[[Superman]] Returns'' was bad -- andbad—and really, it wasn't, it just wasn't very ''good'' -- you—you obviously have not heard Kevin Smith's story about the proposed ''Superman Reborn/Superman Lives'' film that was in development hell for decades and eventually became ''Superman Returns''. Quite aside from ideas like Sean Penn as Clark, Superman fighting a giant spider, and Superman not flying and not wearing the suit, producer Jon Peters wanted to give Brainiac, the coldhearted AI, a snarky robotic sidekick -- asidekick—a "little gay R2-D2".
** Said robot was actually the [[Snarky Non-Human Sidekick]] of Lord Manga Khan in ''[[Justice League of America|Justice League International]]'', who went on to have a [[Heel Face Turn]] and become a member of the League. At least it wasn't [ Koko the Space Monkey].
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* The ''[[Polity Series]]'' has a definite debt to the [[The Culture]], as is seen in its own snarky artificial intelligences. ''The Skinner'' also has a snarky [[Hive Mind]] of sapient wasps.
* Bob the Skull from ''[[The Dresden Files]]''. He's not really a skull, he's just anchored to it. He's actually a [[Magical Computer|supernatural library of the laws of magic]] that constantly evolves as the laws of reality do. He's also a [[Dirty Old Man|complete lech]], a [[Deadpan Snarker]] to rival Harry, and something of a [[Lovable Coward]]. He also has a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|conscience]] under there, [[True Neutral|on occasion.]] Of course, [[Super-Powered Evil Side|other]] [[A God Am I|times]], he's [[Nightmare Fuel|less]] [[Complete Monster|so]].
** As of [[The Dresden Files|Changes]], it seems [[Big Friendly Dog|Mouse]] is as well -- andwell—and though [[Cats Are Snarkers|Mister]] can't (or at least has yet to be able to) talk, he managed to snark pretty well himself, too. He must have taught Mouse about the virtues of threatening to 'literally tear (character's) ass off'.
* Bartimaeus from The Bartimaeus Trilogy [[The Bartimaeus Trilogy]]could be called this. He does take over from the main character a lot of the time (Nathaniel would've died in the first book without him) but he is, technically, the sidekick and he has the snarky part down pat.
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* Reynardine from ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' is a dangerous demon, possessing a cuddle toy and [[The Kid With the Leash|kept in check]] by Antimony.
** It is worth noting that Reynardine can shift into a large, dignified-looking white wolf form, and is not nearly as snarky or foul-mouthed. His snark is apparently dependent on his mascot status, and there is some serious confusion regarding what he actually thinks about others (at least, anyone he doesn't regard with snarky apathy).
* Although she fits the qualification of being the resident [[Non-Human Sidekick]]-in-a-Webcomic, Molly the Monster in ''[[The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob]]'' is innocent and naive rather than snarky -- butsnarky—but she is nonetheless a source of much comic relief. And she certainly takes the cuteness option.
* Artie from ''[[Narbonic]]'' (a superintelligent talking gerbil) was originally presented as this, but became more developed as the story went on.
{{quote|'''Artie:''' I'm I fuzzy little animal who talks too much! I'm ''comic relief!''
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* Bender from ''[[Futurama]]'' is a robotic sidekick who indulges in vices from gambling to strippers and often remarks upon "his" desire to kill his friends.
* Custard becomes one of these to ''[[Strawberry Shortcake]]'' in the 2003 series.
* Rubilax, a [[Talking Weapon]] from ''[[Wakfu]]''. Actually a [[Sealed Evil in a Can|sealed demon]], and definitely a sociopath -- ifsociopath—if freed, his main occupation is ''senseless carnage''. He compensates for his imprisonement by ruthlessly snarking at his idealistic guardian.
** Season 2 features loads of such sealed demons, all of them just as snarky as the other.
* Roger the alien on ''[[American Dad]]''.
