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* ''[[Bouli]]'' was a French animated television series that aired from 1989 to 1991, where the moon magically animated the snowman Bouli and his friends and they set up a snowman village in the woods.
* The ''[[Kim Possible]]'' half-episode "Day of the Snowmen" involved a weather machine and toxic water from Lake Wannaweep creating mutant zombie snowmen.
{{quote| '''Ron:''' ...They don't seem like jolly, happy souls.}}
* A classic 1968 Spider-Man short, "Trouble With Snow", also featured a giant snowman made from tainted snow and brought to life by downed power lines.
* ''[[Xiaolin Showdown]]'', "The Deep Freeze." It helps to have the mystical Heart of Jong that can animate inanimate objects.
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* Used by Dao Lon Wong in the [[Christmas Episode]] of ''[[Jackie Chan Adventures]]''.
* ''[[Robot Chicken]]'' had a small bit where two police snowmen were at a puddle:
{{quote| '''Officer A:''' That's all that's left of him, poor bastard.<br />
'''Officer B:''' *Turns on radio* Suspect died of... natura-natural causes. *sniff* }}
** They also have an scene with "Composite Santa" who is half evil-Santa and half evil-Frosty. Temperatures over 32 degrees causes half of him to melt and kills him.
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* A freezing villain makes version III snowlems in an episode of ''[[Johnny Test]]''.
* The [[Monster of the Week]] in an episode of ''[[Courage the Cowardly Dog]]''. As the last of the snowmen, his nefarious scheme is to extract the anti-melting gene from humans and implant it into himself, allowing him to outlive the inevitable warming of the earth. Also he speaks with a Scottish accent. Take from that what you will.
{{quote| '''Snow Man:''' "The name's [[Bond James Bond|Man. Snow Man.]]"}}
** He shows up in a later episode and freezes Courage's house and owners to make a cozy home for himself. Courage retaliates by {{spoiler|going to the North Pole, sewing up the hole in the ozone layer, and making it cold enough to revive the last snowman's snowfriends.}}
* The snow soldiers from the three part [[Christmas Special]] of ''[[Bump in the Night]]''