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* ''The Snowman'' (see Western Animation) was originally a wordless graphic novel by [[Raymond Briggs]].
* The image at the top of the page comes from an issue of ''Strange Adventures'' called "{{[[media|:invadersfromtheiceworldful.jpg| Invaders from the Ice World}}]]", which is a brain-breaking example of [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made On Drugs]]?
** Also, {{[[media|:supermansnowman.jpg| this issue}}]] of ''Action Comics'' has Snow [[Superman (Comic Book)|Superman]] fighting what appears to be a Gentleman Snowman.
* Supes also battles a literal snow golem (Hebrew words on the forehead and everything) in a recent DC comics holiday special.
* The Blue Snowman (an old [[Wonder Woman]] foe) looks like this, but is actually a human woman in a bulky costume.