So Bad It's Horrible/Comic Books: Difference between revisions

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== Marvel ==
* ''The Crossing'', an insane [[The Avengers|Avengers]] [[Bat Family Crossover]] supposedly about Kang trying to take over the world. The plot makes no sense and is so convoluted that it's hard to tell where it begins. It also features the [[Face Heel Turn]] and death of [[Iron Man|Tony Stark]] and his replacement by his alternate dimension younger counterpart, "Teen Tony". Eventually, in ''Avengers Forever'', Kurt Busiek said that pretty much everyone involved was a Space Phantom and it was a plot by Immortus, pretending to be Kang ([[Timey-Wimey Ball|his younger self]]), to troll the Avengers so that they didn't leave Earth for a while.
* ''Marville'', written by Bill Jemas, was created on a bet between him and [[Peter David]] to see who could write a better selling comic. The problem here is that at the time he worked for Marvel, Jemas was an '''editor'''. And boy, does it show. The book is filled with terrible jokes that feel like they were stolen from a rejected [[Seltzer and Friedberg]] script, ham-fisted political commentary, characters from the mainline Marvel universe showing up just to act out of character and do unfunny things, and tons of mean-spirited digs at DC while Marvel got off Scott-free. Eventually, this fell in favor of what read like a [[Chick Tract]]... as adapted à la [[Shoggoth Onon the Roof]] by a schizophrenic primary-schooler.<ref>[[Wolverine]] evolved from an otter (because that's how that works) and, through some reason or another, either becomes immortal or gets a long line of [[Identical Grandson]]s (the comic can't pick one). In the same issue, Jesus Christ is called "the first superhero".</ref> The last two issues were a recap of the series and a guide on how to submit scripts to a now-defunct comic line. Bonus points for increasingly desperate cover art featuring a red-haired woman (who appeared nowhere in the comic) in various states of undress when Jemas was certain he'd lose. (He did.) Watch Linkara rip it apart [ in] [ six] [ very], ''[ very]'' [ funny] [ parts].
** Let's not forget the issue that didn't have word balloons. Oh, it had dialog, just not word balloons. Apparently, the artist couldn't be bothered to actually ''put in the word balloons'', leaving them putting the terrible dialog (in script form) in a corner of the panel.
** The worst part is that apparently Bill Jemas ''does believe'' everything he put in this comic. Meaning that every crazy theory, all the scientific inaccuracies, and every philosophical nonsense in this thing? All those are his sincere beliefs.
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** To twist the knife even more, came the "sequel", ''Brand New Day'' where we are informed that it was ''Mary Jane'' the one who strongarmed the above mentioned deal with the devil and that she was on board on it all the time. This, despite having previously shown as objecting all the way. Because it wasn't enough to retcon away her marriage, they had to demonize her too.
** It should probably be noted that the reason Straczynski objected to the story to the degree that he did was not actually due to the story's quality and more to do with the fact that his original proposal for it had been turned down, a proposal that would've jettisoned ''three and a half'' decades of continuity (as opposed to the two that that final product did away with). Whether this would've been better or worse than what we got is [[Broken Base|debatable]], at that three and a half decades would've included nearly every infamously-awful ''[[Spider-Man (Comic Book)|Spider-Man]]'' story ever told, such as the [[Clone Saga]] and ''[[Character Derailment|Sins]] [[Squick|Past]]'', which remained in-continuity in the story that ended up being told.
** Linkara really didn't want to review this because of the utter hate he had for this storyline (as quoted above), but eventually relented and reviewed it for his [ 200th episode].
* ''Sins Past'' (and its sequel ''Sins Remembered'') is the other contender for most infamous Spiderman storyline of the Oughthies, and until ''One More Day'', it was considered the actual worst. It gets like this: apparently Gwen Stacy secretly got pregnant and gave birth to twin children, that were raised and artificially aged up by Norman Osborn to get back at Peter Parker, whom the kids believe are their father and mama's killer. Except that the real father of the twins was ''Osborn himself'', and they were conceived under unclear and probably rapey circumstances. No, this isn't a [[Crack Fic]] written for the Marvel [[Kink Meme]], this was an actual story that got published. This was [[Character Derailment|so out of character]] for every character involved, the fans intermediately declared this [[Fan Discontinuity|out of canon]] and the rest of Marvel hadn't actually mentioned its events since.
** It says something when the writer of this crack fest, [[J. Michael Straczynski]], complained about the [[Executive Meddling]] received while writing it, which turned out to be [[Joe Quesada]] overruling Straczynski's original choice for the twins father, Spidey himself, despite being way more logical, on the amount that "[[Harsher in Hindsight|it would age the character too much]]". Note that this book [[Foreshadowing|came before]] ''One More Day'', where Straczynski and Quesada also worked.
* [[Jeph Loeb]]'s ''[[The Ultimates]] 3'' is accused of having exceptionally-poor writing and [[Flanderization]] ''en masse''. Many critics argue that Loeb [[Did Not Do the Research|doesn't seem to have bothered reading any of the other books]] in the [[Ultimate Universe]] or familiarizing himself with their characters, and has merely made the characters caricatures of their counterparts in Earth-616 regardless of whether this is appropriate. It was loaded with [[Plot Hole]]s, [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|WallBangers]], and stupid, ''stupid'' writing mistakes.
** And then there's ''Ultimatum'', a [[Crisis Crossover]] which is filled to the brim with [[Dropped a Bridge on Him|meaningless and cruel deaths]], [[Contemplate Our Navels|pretentious dialogue]], the same characterization flaws as ''Ultimates 3'', [[Artistic License Physics]], and all kinds of [[Bloodier and Gorier|violent, gory]] deaths that served no purpose other than to apparently "wipe the slate clean." Once again, watch Linkara rip it to shreds, [ here], [ here], and [ here].
* Kirkman's run on ''[[Ultimate X-Men]]'' ended with him retconning almost every major change he had made. Still, sadly, not enough to wipe the long, dragging "Magician" arc from readers' memories. Kurt Wagner going batshit from his time in the Weapon X program could've been done as [[Character Development]]; coupled with his sudden off-the-wall homophobia and super-creepy [[Misery|Annie Wilkes-like]] behavior towards Dazzler, it just wound up being the [[Character Derailment|final]] [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|Wall Banger]].
== Other Comics ==
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== Newspaper Comics ==
* ''[ Between Friends]'' is best described as a [[Lifetime Movie of the Week]] in comic strip form, but without humor, intentional or accidental. It brings [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|Wall Bangers]] by the truckloads whenever it tries to be serious. Nobody [[The Unfair Sex|with a Y chromosome]] escapes unscathed unless they're [[Author Appeal|Viggo Mortensen]] or a [[Mr. Fanservice|reasonable facsimile thereof]]. All the "empowered" women are depicted as insecure [[Does This Make Me Look Fat?]] types who both agonize over buying the low-fat double-whipped frappuccino and pound back the cheesecake like there's no tomorrow; they don't fare well either.
* ''[[Marmaduke (comic strip)|Marmaduke]]'' is repeatedly riffed on, and for good reason; it's just that plain monotonous and ugly. Nearly half of its article on [[The Other Wiki]] discusses just how thoroughly hated it is by comics critics.
* ''[[9 Chickweed Lane]]'': Everyone's a sex-crazed, pretentious asshole, so it's impossible to like anyone except the cat. Homosexuality is handled so badly it manages to insult conservatives and liberals alike — one character quickly breaks up with his boyfriend of several years, dances with a seducing female acquaintance, has sex with her that night, and then swears up and down that he's not interested in women and being gay is just how he is (comparing it to his shoe size). Then he dumps her, she's understandably upset, and he tries to talk to her. Somehow, the readers are supposed to feel ''sorry'' for this guy. And did we mention that the author [[Protection From Editors|has gone through great lengths to silence criticism?]]
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