So Bad It's Horrible/Fan Works/Fanfic Q-T: Difference between revisions

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* '''[ A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic]''' ([[Character Derailment]], Implied High-Octane [[Squick]], rape)
** Fandom: ''[[Ranma ½|Ranma 1/2]]''
** Pairings: Ranma/Kuno, Ryoga/Akane, Ranma/Akane (eventually), ''Genma/Cologne''
** Synopsis: While fighting Kuno, Ranma gets splashed; then she is overpowered by Kuno, knocked out, and raped. (Kuno keeps her around until she awakens and tells her, "While we were sleeping, I made love to you.") And, you guessed it, female Ranma ends up pregnant with Kuno's child. Ryoga, the entire Tendo family, and Ranma's ''father'' show their compassion for her situation by turning [[Jerkass]], disowning her, and kicking her out. Ranma obviously can't change back to a guy in her current condition. Then Cologne offers a way to, umm, remedy the situation....
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* '''[ Revenge Road]''' (Character death, [[Die for Our Ship]], [[Revenge Fic]])
** Fandom: ''[[Kimagure Orange Road]]''
** Pairings: Kyosuke/Madoka, unrequited Hikaru/Kyosuke
** Synopsis: [[Cloudcuckoolander|Hikaru]], upset by [[Ordinary High School Student|Kyosuke]] choosing [[Broken Bird|Madoka]] over her, shows up at the house where they're staying, [[Kick the Dog|shoots Madoka dead and tortures Kyosuke to death.]]
** Comments: Purely vindictive [[Revenge Fic]] without much depth besides giving gruesome deaths to the canon couple; it's hard to tell whether the author wrote this as a protest against the Kyosuke/Madoka ship, hates Hikaru or both. Unfortunately, in addition to its disturbing brutality perpetrated against Kyosuke, it lacks the kind of poor spelling and grammar and other [[Narm]] factors that would make it [[So Bad It's Good]] by taking some of the edge off the more disturbing parts of it and provide (unintentional) humor in the process.
* '''[[The Pokémon Story|Rectified Anonymity]],''' aka "[[The Pokémon Story]]" (Poké Bestiality, Rape, Scat, Incest, Genital Mutilation, Snuff, threesome)
** Fandom: ''[[Pokémon]]''
** Pairings: Male trainer/Gardevoir, male trainer/Nurse Joy/Nurse Joy's dad, Misty/Staryu (implied)
** Synopsis: David, a male trainer, is stuck in the middle of nowhere with his Gardevoir. He's incredibly horny, and so he brutally rapes her, thoroughly breaking her both physically and mentally in the process. Months later, he brings her into a Pokemon center and ends up raping the nurse. Her dad walks in and the they have an incredibly violent threesome that ends in all three of them bleeding to death. Misty reads the story and despairs, but gets horny, looking to her Staryu.
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* '''[ Robin Girl]''' (Teen pregnancy, [[Canon Defilement]])
** Fandom: ''[[Batman]]''
** Pairing: Batman/Girl Robin
** Synopsis: Batman and a female Robin fight some random thugs and Boss Maroni. Three months later, Robin is pregnant with Batman's child. Batman tells her to have an abortion, but she refuses. She wants to raise their son as "Bat-boy."
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* '''[ Shinji's Nightmare Cataclysm]''' (explicit sex, crossover, ''pedophilia'')
** Fandom: ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' crossed with ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]''
** Pairings: Yes, unfortunately
** Synopsis: We tried. We really, honestly tried. But the few who have sat around long enough to give an accurate summary have no doubt since gored out their eyes and couldn't type it down coherently.
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* '''[ Titian Heat].''' Spork [ here]. [[Our Lawyers Advised This Trope|All The Tropes will not be held responsible]] for brain damage if you read this unsporked. (Timeline-fail, [[Character Derailment]], completely ignoring a critical point in [[Canon]] plot, explicit rape, [[Slash]] involving a ''[[Disney]] character'', BESTIALITY INVOLVING '''[[The Lion King|SIMBA]]'''. Not Safe For Humanity.)
** Fandom: ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]''.
** Pairings: '''[[High Octane Nightmare Fuel|Simba/Riku]]''' with a side helping of Riku/Sora.
** Synopsis: Riku, travelling with King Mickey, decides to look for Sora in the Pride Lands, where he meets Simba. Simba, who hasn't been getting any since Nala is pregnant, spontaneously rapes Riku.