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Added a section for historical tropes
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(Added a section for historical tropes)
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** On the other hand, lots of jokes based on George complaining about his "button finger" (with the implication that what we are lazy about will just get more crazy in a world where you just push buttons all day) are more of a [[Funny Aneurysm]] due to increasing awareness of Repetitive Strain Injury.
*** Not to mention several jokes about the standard work week being ''9 hours'', based on the popular conception of the time that technology would allow people to work far less. Not only has the exact opposite happened for many people but cell phones and email has allowed bosses to contact employees 24/7 meaning that the separation between work and leisure has become blurred.
***** Technology has made productivity (at least in fields that use it extensively) skyrocket. What most futurists didn't predict is that we wouldn't work ''fewer'' hours, we'd work the ''same'' hours and just get 5 times as much done.
***** Most people rarely sees free time as leisure time, but rather time to use to get more work in for more money. Their parents and grandparents worked the same hours, but earned far less.
* Many future-themed classic cartoons, from [[Looney Tunes]] to MGM, fit this trope. In many instances, they even assume the ''dress styles'' of the era in which they were made will still be relevant in the future.
== [[Tropes]] and [[Useful Notes/Hollywood History|Hollywood History]] ==
* Inverted with [[The Great Depression]], which becomes [[Aluminum Christmas Trees]] and [[Lighter and Softer]] as a result; in the early 20th century, several countries banned alcohol at various points (the US among them) because [[Fridge Horror|women and children were not safe in their own homes]] and [[Bread and Circuses|rich people sold cheap alcohol to their employees to keep them dumb and less prone to complaining about hunger]]. Since people have relied on alcohol to sanitize drinking water since the dawn of time, almost everyone in the world was drunk beyond being legally allowed to drive today at all times prior to the early 20th century. We might not have quite escaped ''[[1984]]'' but as of March 2024 ''[[Brave New World]]'' has actually been prevented so maybe there's hope for humanity yet.
