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A city or civilization that is destroyed after growing so [[We Have Become Complacent|complacent]], [[And Man Grew Proud|hubris-laden]], and/or [[Wretched Hive|corrupt]] that it is [[It Is Beyond Saving|beyond redemption]]. Usually the agent of destruction is [[Bolt of Divine Retribution|divine retribution]] or [[The Scourge of God|a scourge of God]] but also can be the result of [[Call It Karma|Karmic justice]], [[GaiasGaia's Vengeance|nature's revenge]], [[Knight Templar|Knights Templar]], or even [[Hanlon's Razor|human]] [[Finagle's Law|error]].
Often, the Soiled City was once a [[Shining City]] or [[Utopia]] but, [[Humans Are Bastards|humans being who they are]], it fell victim to arrogance and [[Seven Deadly Sins|moral degeneration]]. In fact, before destruction, the Soiled City can still look like a [[Shining City]] even though by then [[Crap Saccharine World|it's really nothing more than a whited sepulcher with a shiny gleaming exterior concealing the rot and vileness within]].
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[[The Great Flood|Water]] is a common means of the Soiled City's destruction.
The name refers to [http://en.[ on a hill|the City on a Hill]], an early symbol of American [[Utopia]].
Compare with [[After the End]], [[Cataclysm Backstory]], [[Look On My Works Ye Mighty and Despair]], and [[Gotterdammerung]].
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== [[Literature]] ==
* [http://en.[ |Numenor]] in [[JRR Tolkien (Creator)|JRR Tolkien]]'s ''[[The Silmarillion]]''. After Sauron is taken captive by the Numenoreans, he converts them to Melkor worship and tricks them into sailing to Valinor and violating the Ban on setting foot there. As a result, the Valar call upon Eru Iluvatar and he destroys Numenor with a giant wave, sinking it beneath the sea.
* [[Andre Norton]]'s "Operation Time Search". In our real world, Atlantis fell under the control of evil rulers and was destroyed. The actions of the hero prevent this, and as a result history is changed and Atlantis survives to the present day.
* The city of Brussels, Belgium, appears this way in retrospect to Marlow in ''[[Heart of Darkness]]''.
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* In the [[Mahabharata]], the city of Dwaraka (a.k.a., Dvārakā) sinks into the ocean after becoming corrupt.
* [[Atlantis]] became one of these before it sank into the sea.
* [http://en.[ |The sunken city of Ys]] in French folklore and [[Celtic Mythology]]. It was built below sea level and surrounded by a dike with a gate that was opened to allow access for ships during low tide. Ys was destroyed by being sunk under the waves as punishment for the [[Everything's Better With Princesses|Princess]] [[Royal Brat|Dahut's]] and the other inhabitants' debauchery. (Although, in one version of the legend, Ys sank as a result of the Princess Dahut [[Alcohol -Induced Idiocy|getting drunk]] [[What an Idiot!|and opening the gate at high tide during a storm]].)
* The medieval city of [http://en.[ |Vineta]] was, according to legend, a rich and powerful port on the Baltic Sea located near the present-day border of Germany and Poland. The sinfulness of its inhabitants led [[Bolt of Divine Retribution|God to destroy it with thunderbolts]] and sink it underneath a storm tide.
* In [[The Book of Mormon (Literature)|The Book of Mormon]], the city Ammonihah is destroyed be an army of the Lamanites after they rejected the words of the prophet and killed those that did believe. They were pretty sure God couldn't destroy their great city in a day as prophecied if they didn't repent.
** More broadly, the Nephite and Jaredite nations near the end of them. They did pretty deplorable things at the end.
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== [[Real Life]] ==
* On the Arabian Peninsula, there was [http://en.[ of the Pillars|Iram of the Pillars]]--the "Atlantis of the Sands". In Islamic legend, Iram of the Pillars (also known as Ubar) was a city of untold riches that was buried under the desert sands as punishment for defying God. Long thought to be a myth, satellite photos and recent archeological excavations have indicated such a city probably existed until around 300 AD.
* [http://en.[ |Rungholt]] was a thriving German merchant city on the North Sea coast until it was destroyed by a storm tide in 1362. Legend attributed its destruction to the rampant greed of its citizens and acts of sacrilege against God.
* The low-lying Dutch city of [http[wikipedia:// |Saeftinghe]] was a prosperous trading center from the 14th to the 16th century until much of its surrounding land was lost to a disasterous flood in 1570. The city itself was abandoned in 1584 when, during the Dutch War for Independence, Dutch soldiers were forced to destroy the dike that protected Saeftinghe resulting in its sinking into the marshy bogs of the Schelde River. In [http://en.[ legend|Dutch folklore]], Saeftinghe was an ornately rich but avaricious city that ultimately paid for its [[Greed|greed]] by [[Death By Materialism|sinking into the salty marshlands]] after being cursed by [[Our Mermaids Are Different|a merman for refusing to set his captured mermaid wife free.]]
* Port Royal was an open haven for pirates and smugglers during the 17th century with economy largely based around boozing, whoring, and stealing. Like Sodom and Gomorrah, it was destroyed by an earthquake in 1692 that caused it to sink into the sea.
* [[Imperial Russia]] as a whole. Contrary to popular opinion, it fell not because of Commies but because of too much income inequality and injustice. The Commies were merely the most successfull of the many shards of the empire.
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[[Category:Older Than Feudalism]]
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