Something Awful Dungeons and Dragons/Awesome

  • The Curb Stomp Battle the party inflicts on an assassin in Episode 4, Act 5, allowing the team to turn the tables after a series of Critical Failure.
  • The team's second encounter with assassins has Miriam pulling some Prince of Persia style acrobatics and wall-running to get behind the enemy and use an attack to hold him in place.
  • Miriam's surprise attack on a powerful spellcaster by ninja-jumping her ass.
    • Dropping a 10-ton weight onto a succubus by teleporting it directly over them.
    • Wiping out three Dragon/bug hybrids at full health with one attack while on fire. Which she saves against immediately after.
    • Rapping at an enemy and doing "44 rhythm damage" quoth Joey: "You just got Li-buried". It scared a nearby Cloud Giant
  • Kensington and Algernon's rescue of Joey.
  • Kennsington getting up after being killed, killing the creature that just killed him and chaining that into 5 more kills in one turn.
  • Kennsington and Gibnaf saving the club from an exploding Minerelle
  • The conclusion of the Focus Tower plot.
  • The conclusion of the Prestige fight.
  • The party takes on the Ivy Heart in the Tomb of Horrors, along with some undead enemies. After a rough start and much complaining, everyone curbstomps the thing once they are able to crowd around it, culminating with Kod slamming it into an area where magic lightning kills it.