Sorry, Billy, But You Just Don't Have Legs: Difference between revisions

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** The trope is parodied in another episode, where Eliot is taking on the incredibly unpleasant task of giving such bad news to patients simply so she can get some respect from Dr. Cox (she claims she enjoys helping people deal with such news, but it's really making her an emotional wreck). Cox tests her by asking her to tell a young woman who is a professional dancer and just had her legs amputated, that she cannot have her physical therapy (or recovery) in the hospital; as her medical insurance was through her husband, who just died. [[Extreme Doormat|She agrees, and asks what room the patient is in]]. He stares at her, and then admits that there is no such patient, and he made up the most depressing thing he could think of.
* ''[[M*A*S*H (television)]]'':
** Charles saves a man's leg from amputation, but the man's hand is beyond repair and loses some flexibility. After the surgery, Charles learns his patient is a concert pianist. Fortunately, as a classical music aficionado, he manages to find copies of one-handed concertos that the man can play with just his left hand. The young musician points out that he's not going to have a career playing a handful (no pun intended) of gimmicky pieces from one composer, and Charles agrees that that's not likely -- whatlikely—what makes him a musician, however, isn't what's in his hands. Charles himself knows how to play, but he can't make music like this man can: he can write, he can teach, he can conduct, he can still make music the center of his life, even without playing.
** Other episodes dealt with a college football player whose career is [[Incredibly Lame Pun|sidelined]] by an amputated leg, and an infantryman whose face is disfigured and attempts suicide rather than go home and face his fiancee.
* ''[[Glee]]'': Artie from gets moments like this occasionally, for instance when he performs ''Safety Dance''. Subverted in season 2 when he is allowed to join the football team and becomes a "human battering ram."
* Used briefly in an episode of ''[[Dragnet]]'' where Sgt. Friday explains to an applicant to the Police Department that he's too short and therefore could not effectively restrain an assailant.
* In an episode of ''[[Star Trek]]'', "Is There in Truth No Beauty?", we learn that a blind person is not allowed to pilot the Enterprise, even with the aid of assistive technology. The blind woman, an assistant to the [[Brown Note|maddeningly ugly]] Medusan ambassador, proves jealous of Spock's ability to see the ambassador--evenambassador—even though doing so drives him insane.
* ''[[No Ordinary Family]]'' seems to be trying to subvert this with the son's [[Applied Phlebotinum|super-smarts]] canceling out his learning disability. His teacher has a particular awkward moment where he repeatedly calls him too stupid to have passed a quiz without cheating. Although the jury is still out on whether using a power that reveals the answers to you is cheating.
* ''[[Father Ted]]'': Played for laughs: when the theft of a whistle is pinned on Ted due to a misunderstanding with Dougal, Ted tries to justify stealing it by improvising a story about a boy who is paralyzed except for his eyes, and needs the whistle to achieve his lifelong dream of training horses.
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== Real Life ==
* Supermodeling. You could be the most attractive person in the world but you must be above 5ft5 ft 8 ins. There are some exceptions, but most supermodels below 5ft5 ft 8ins are something else as well like an actor or singer. Also, you usually [[Hollywood Pudgy|can't be above a certain weight]].
* In some cases, sperm donation. Clinics receive so many requests for tall donors that men under 6 feet are turned away.
* If you want to be in the Rockettes, you can't go being too ''tall'' either, dancers must be between 5ft5 ft 6in and 5  ft 10in.
** Even in amateur-level dancing, e.g. ballroom, things will be considerably easier if your partner is a good height match, otherwise you'll have to adjust your hold and step length, and probably won't be considered to look as good at it.
* The American military (not sure about others) rejects people for having certain disabilities, such as deafness.
