South Park/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* Something about the song 'Blame Canada' in [[The Movie]] bothers me. The songs' general message is that overzealous parenting groups will blame anything but their own failings as parents when their kids misbehave. Most of the things the parents think to blame on their kids' behavior - [[Captain Obvious|Canada]], [[New Media Are Evil|television]], [[Crapsack World|society]], [[Too Dumb to Live|matches, and fire]] - are fit that general mold. But grouped in with that is 'the doctors who allowed him [Kenny] to expire'. What bothers me is that it's completely reasonable to blame the doctors for what's happening in South Park in this case - ''they shoved a potato where Kenny's heart used to be and let him explode and die''. Say what you want about the other things, but blaming the doctors in that case sounds totally reasonable to me!
** Well, even a broken watch is correct once a day, so I guess even a mob of bigots may for once condemn someone for reason.
* If Kenny wanted people to remember his deaths, why doesn't he just video-record himself being killed and then when he gets resurrected, just show the tape to the others for proof! Then again would the video recording of the death still exist if he gets resurrected? Come to think of it in "Jared has Aides" there is a Kenny [[Mc Cormick]]McCormick Memorial Town Square, now that Kenny is revived is the Kenny [[Mc Cormick]]McCormick Memorial Town Square still there or did it vanish upon the resurrection?
** For the video one, how do we know the video tape won't explode due to the lovecraftian influences?
* If Kenny is poor then how can he afford Chimpokomon toys and a PSP?