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== Tabletop Games ==
* Played with in ''[[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]]''. Space Mead will protect a human from 'the vacuum and vicissitudes' of space. Of course, the effect ends as soon as you reach your destination, so watch where you're going... and do keep a dose for the way back, will you?
* ''[[BattleTech]]'' averts this on the surface in that one major concern of spacecraft is in fact the threat of ''overheating'' in combat...but its 'heat sinks' (really just compact high-tech heat pumps with radiators) still seem to have suspiciously little trouble venting said heat ''into'' space to cool off again.
* In ''[[Eclipse Phase]]'', biomorphs without vacuum sealing can spend one minute in space as long as they keep their lungs empty and their eyes shut. While the game makes it clear that [[Explosive Decompression]] and boiling organs are fantasies of the [[Earth-That-Was|pre-Fall]] media, characters do still take 10 points of cold damage per minute the second they enter space without thermal protection. This is especially jarring considering that Eclipse Phase constantly prides itself at being one of the most "hard sci-fi" games out there (except when it comes to alien or post-singularity phenomena, but then it's just Clarke's Third Law at work)
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* In ''[[Angry Birds]] Space'', if a pig goes beyond an atmosphere and into actual space, they instantly freeze. If they don't re-enter an atmosphere within 2 seconds, they die. Not a problem for the birds, as they are in superhero mode and, thus, ruled by [[Batman Can Breathe in Space]].
* In Space Station Thirteen, going into space without a spacesuit + helmet causes the temperature to drop to nothing and causes massive damage to your person.
* In ''[[EveEVE Online]]'' you leave a frozen corpse when your pod is destroyed. However, said pod which was filled with a goo that made from ''[[Squick|dead human cells]]'', which probably boiled over when it hit the vacuum. And this isn't what kills you, it's [[All There in the Manual|the neurotoxin and burning brain scanner activated on pod breach]], which is used to put [[Death Is Cheap|your mind in a new cloned body]].
** Also note that one of the damage types in the game is Thermal.
* Used several times in the ''[[Mechwarrior]]'' series of video games, where battles in space or on planets with no atmosphere allowed your Mech to cool off much faster than normal. Mechs and aerospace fighters are described as using ''heat sinks'' to vent heat, which are sometimes described as being specialized to work in a vacuum.