Space Whale Aesop: Difference between revisions

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* Pretty much every moral lesson in the German moral children's book ''[[Struwwelpeter]]'' works this way.
** Thumb-sucking summons up a scissor-wielding tailor who snips of the offending digits; fussy eating habits result in death by starvation; and going out in a rainstorm to play leads to being hurled away to your doom by a sudden gust of wind. There is also a girl who ends up as a pile of ashes after playing with matches despite admonitions from her parents and her two pet cats. And many similar.
** [[Deconstructed Trope|Deconstructed]] in Jasper Fforde's ''The Fourth Bear'', onea spin off of the [[Thursday Next]] series, with "Cautionary Valley." The series takes place [[In a World]] where fictional characters come to life; the valley is a favourite haunt of Aesop-delivering Space Whales, led by the aforementioned scissor-wielding tailor. Children raised in this neighborhood are well-behaved to a [[Stepford Smiler|downright creepy level]]. Prior to the events of the book, the parents ''[[Utopia Justifies the Means|were perfectly fine with it]]''.
* Pretty much every punishment in Dante's ''[[Divine Comedy]]'', especially, of course, those featured in Inferno.
* [[AI Is a Crapshoot]]: a lot of stories that use this trope as their premise basically end with "AI research is dangerous, since AIs will invariably become homicidal tyrants determined to enslave or destroy the human race." Parodied in [[John Sladek]]'s [[Roderick At Random]], which is told from the point of view of the world's one artificially intelligent robot. One conversation he has goes (roughly):
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* ''[[The Candy Shop War]]'' has the rather straightforward ''don't take candy from strangers'' as it's message. It's even flat out said by one of the characters in the books-who the explains that these strangers might be wizards who are handing out magical candy and can very easily kill you. It also doesn't help that those strangers owned a candy shop and a ice cream truck.
** Almost makes it into a Space Dentist's Aesop: Don't eat candy or wizards will kill you. Who needs cavities when you have that?
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