Super Robot Wars Compact 2/Characters: Difference between revisions

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Debuts in the lowly ''Compact 2'', but [[Breakout Character|proved popular enough]] his game gets updated into ''Impact'' and becomes another protagonist for the first ''Original Generation'', though his route becomes [[Canon Dis Continuity|non-canon]] (the second half of it, anyways). Kyosuke's [[The Stoic|grumpy]] with a bad life-or-death gambling habit and takes war rather seriously. His partner's the extremely cheery [[Ms. Fanservice|Excellen]] [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl|Browning]], which somehow makes up a good foil for his stoicism, for a good reason: without her, he may as well become ''too'' grumpy like his [[Evil Twin]] [[Super Robot Wars Original Generation/Characters|Beowulf]] in the [[Super Robot Wars Advance|Shadow-Mirror universe]]. He also has a rather [[Born Lucky|unnatural luck]]: in the past, he was one of two shuttle crash survivors, coming out with just minor scratches and bruises. While usually calm, he has a [[Berserk Button]]: go ahead and endanger his woman, and he becomes a [[Determinator]] with a dangerous [[Tranquil Fury]].
At first he's a new recruit to [[Super Robot Wars Alpha/Characters|Sanger Zonvolt's]] ATX Team, but after Sanger's [[Face Heel Turn]], he takes leadership of the team and proves himself to be [[Took a Level In Badass|equally as badass as Sanger in the role]]. He pretty much becomes the "leader guy" after the ATX and SRX Teams merge into one, eventually bringing Sanger back to the team... unofficially. His biggest contribution in ''Original Generation 2'' is during the war against the [[Super Robot Wars/Classic/Characters/Classic|Inspectors]] and the Shadow-Mirror, wherein he becomes [[The Rival]] to [[Super Robot Wars Advance/Characters|Axel Almer]]. He's also sort of targeted by the Einst, especially Alfimi, but he and Excellen manages to persuade her and kick the crap out of her boss. ''Original Generation Gaiden'' has Kyosuke suffer [[Heroic BSOD]] for three times, due to his apparent failure to protect his friend {{spoiler|[[Super Robot Wars Advance/Characters|Lamia Loveless]]}}. Thankfully, {{spoiler|Axel}} (who by this time gets a [[Heel Face Turn]]) manages to set him straight after a [[Dynamic Entry]] rescue. As of ''[[Another Century's Episode|Another Century's Episode: R]]'', {{spoiler|he and [[Super Robot Wars Alpha/Characters|Ryusei Date]] have been teleported to who knows where}}. Fortunately, he will return for the upcoming ''Second Original Generation''.
Kyosuke pilots the very bulky [[Real Robot Genre]] [ Alt Eisen] and its upgrade [ the Alt Eisen Riese], all that adheres to the [[Rule of Cool]] (so heavy it needs a Tesla Drive to stand up, and he's the only one who can use the Alt). They embody these tropes: