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** Hell Wyrm works the same way, just has less HP.
* In ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]'', normally, a loss is a loss, whether the normal enemies or the bosses take you out. However, in certain boss battles ([[That One Boss|Xaldin]] being one of them), defeat instead continues the battle with Mickey Mouse taking over for your party temporarily. He can't actually defeat the boss, though; instead the main purpose is to initiate an [[Action Command]] to revive Sora at full HP. If Mickey gets defeated, Sora will revive anyway but at partial HP. Mickey can intervene multiple times (even during the same boss battle), but the chance of him showing up decreases each time, with the fourth and beyond having the lowest probability.
* In ''[[Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals]]'', the DS remake of Lufia II, whenever you get game over, you have the option to either continue with the levels you had when you died, or to continue with the levels of your entire party raised by five.
** Similarly, ''[[Final Fantasy VI]]'' allows you to retain all EXP earned since your last save if you are defeated in battle; in all of the other games, you just get kicked back to the title screen.
*** However those stat point increases from Espers? ''You don't keep those.'' Enjoy having permanently lower stats.
* In ''[[Ōkamiden|Okamiden]]'', ink doesn't regenerate over time, unlike [[Ōkami|the previous game]]. Instead, they gave you twice as much ink, an item to restore three full bottles (Spirit Ink, and it restores more at larger sizes), and put things that drop ink restoring pickups everywhere, some of which respawn, as well as making bosses drop said pickups. It's still possible to get into an [[Unwinnable]] situation, so they gave you a redo option on the pause menu, which returns you to a nearby place.
* ''[[Riviera: theThe Promised Land]]'' allowed you to retry a boss again and again, cutting out some of their HP until they reached 25% of their original life. A family of [[Palette Swap]] Bosses also blow you away if you anger them in the battle... And you can go back and engage them again after walking back to their screen, with the HP you whittled away from them never regenerating, and only your rank and reward suffering.
* Fail a (fairly simple) multiple-lights puzzle enough times in ''[[Shadow Hearts]]: From The New World'', and Johnny will simply kick in the doors it was locking.
* ''[[Tales of Hearts]]'' has several "light up all panels in a 4x4 grid by walking on them at the right order" puzzles you need to do in a row. If you take too long to solve any of them, your party members will offer to do them for you. They'll be happy to demonstrate that they're smarter than the protagonist for the first 2 times, but from the 3rd time onwards, they'll mutter angrily about your incompetence while solving it.