Heroic Rematch: Difference between revisions

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** ''[[Final Fantasy IX]]'': Subverted in the rematch with {{spoiler|Trance}} Kuja, which, after an epic boss fight, ends exactly the same way as the first fight.
** ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'' has the rematch with Sin after the spectacularly failed attempt to stop it in Kilika.
* ''[[Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals]]'', you're forced to lose to Gades as soon as you land a hit on [[Attack Its Weak Point|his core.]] After you've gained some companions and levels, you rematch him in an epic battle.
** Gades loves this trope. In every main game, he will beat you up badly when you first meet him (unless you grind) then you have to defeat him at the very end of the game, if not any time before the other [[Big Bad|big bads]] shows up.
* ''[[Agarest Senki]]'', the Black Knight ''kills'' Leonhardt, but the man's saved by making a pact with a devil girl. The Black Knight ends up as a [[Disc One Final Boss]].