Mystery Science Theater 3000/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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* One opening sequence has a quite out of character Joel tormenting the Bots by playing rock, paper, scissors, given how their hands don't work. Finally Gypsy has enough and rams right into him, knocking him over. [[Bond One-Liner|"Gypsy crushes Joel!"]]
* At the end of "Castle of Fu Manchu", Joel gives Dr. Forrester a [[Reason You Suck Speech]]. Keep in mind, just a few seconds before, Joel and the Bots were sobbing horsely, and the host segment before, they looked to be on the verge of collapse. Then, as Forrester and Frank are celebrating and awaiting the official surrender from the Satellite of Love, Joel comes back with this.
{{quote| "You haven't won, Dr. Forrester; you've lost. And I feel sorry for you. You're nothing but a sad little man in a hole in the ground [[Jerkass|who can only feel power by hurting others]]. Well, we won because, we survived, and we survived because, well, [[Like a Son to Me|we're Robinsons, roughly]]. That's what Robinsons do is survive, basically, and well, if you think it's so easy, well, [[Dare to Be Badass|YOU should try and watch a movie sometime!]]"}}
** Forrester actually takes up on the idea to watch the movie. He can't even make it a full '''two minutes'''. Hell, the fact that Joel and the Bots, despite sitting through this movie and crying through the host segments, did not surrender, much less kill themselves, is awesome in itself.