Storage Wars: Texas: Difference between revisions

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* [[That Came Out Wrong]]: Often coupled with [[Record Needle Scratch]] when the speaker knows it.
** Victor finds four valuable antique clocks in a locker that Moe tried to bid him up on (see [[Hoist by His Own Petard]] above):
{{quote| "Moe really stuck it to me, but with clocks like these, he can stick it to me all day long [[Record Needle Scratch|*record needle scratch*]] ...that didn't sound right."}}
** In "Remember the Alamo?" Moe finds a working ''[[Ms. Pac Man]]'' console that nets him a profit.
{{quote| "This just proves that I can have my cake and my podiatric surgery<ref>Moe had previously bought the locker off-screen and missed the day's auctions because he was busy performing surgery</ref> and eat it too. Wait a minute... that didn't sound right."}}
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: Jerry has a problem with snakes, which he mentions in "Snake, Rattle and Roll" when he and Lesa bring some rattlesnake-made items to an appraiser.
* [[Zonk]]: A locker's contents can sometimes be this, especially if a bidder spent a lot of money on it. Can just as easily be averted if there turns out to be something valuable buried underneath all the worthless items. Jerry invokes this by name in "Bounty Hunter Bubba Fett".